30 Day Heroes Meme - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11

Jul 06, 2010 12:09

1. Your favorite male character
2. Your favorite female character
3. A character you wish had gotten more screentime or better story-arcs

4. Favorite moment from season 1

My favorite moment of Season 1 would have to be the BOOM! scene. It is so iconic just seeing Sylar gleefully play with Ted's power on that rooftop.

image Click to view

5. Favorite moment from season 2

My favorite moment from Season 2 would have to be Noah getting shot by Mohinder because it was like "WHAT!? No! You can't kill Noah!?" and then Mo brought him back at the end of the episode. Still really nice cinematography there.

A runner-up would be the stuff with Adam because he was kick-ass. =)

6. Favorite moment from season 3

My favorite moment from Season 3 was Sylar in that abandoned diner with Luke remembering his past. Seeing Gabriel's mother killed and then just left on the side of the road will always be in my mind. It was a beautiful and heartbreaking scene.

(I couldn't find just the clip, so here's a Sylar fanvid to 21 Guns by Green Day . . . the scene is within the first minute of the video)

image Click to view

7. Favorite moment from season 4

My favorite moment from Season 4 was Sylar all alone in the dream world fixing his watches. It was simply so very calm. Also, that scene gave me a chance to geek out again on everything in Gabriel's apartment. They changed a lot of stuff in it between each of the seasons, by the way. ;D

8. Your favorite episode ever

That would have to be The Hard Part. You all know my love for this episode, so I won't go into too much detail. This was the solidifying episode for my love of Gabriel "Sylar" Gray and I will always love it for that. =)

9. Your favorite pairing and/or pairings

This is another that isn't any surprise to anyone. xD My favorite pairing is Sylar/Gabriel. I like the kink and sometimes (a lot of the time) Sylar only loves himself.

I have also enjoyed reading Sylar/Peter, Sylar/Mohinder, Sylar/Mohinder/Peter, Sylar/Lydia, and Sylar/Claire (only because it is so damn easy to self-insert . . . rarely do I actually read it.)

10. Your favorite ability or use of an ability

For this, I would have to say . . . Samuel's power. Not the drawing people in to make him more powerful, but the terrakinesis. It would be so cool to manipulate the earth and its minerals with just a thought. =)

11. Your favorite painting or drawing done by any of the precogs on the show (Isaac, Peter, Sylar, Usutu, Matt, Arthur)

My favorite painting would be this one:

Sylar's murder of Isaac was one of his best kills on the show, in my opinion. Also, I have this painting as a cover to a promotional Heroes Graphic Novel. I have this in both color and black and white and the detail is just amazing. Sylar's hands are all clawed like talons after ripping Isaac apart. Sylar in the painting doesn't really look like Zachary, but that's okay. =)

Here are the rest:
12. Your favorite quote.
13. Something that didn’t happen that you wish had.
14. Your least favorite character.
15. A character whose death or random disappearance from the show you think never should have happened.
16. The most ridiculous story-arc/thing you think has ever happened on the show.
17. A scene or moment that made you cry.
18. A scene or moment that made you happy.
19. A scene or moment that made you laugh.
20. A scene or moment that pissed you off.
21. Your least favorite episode ever.
22. A death you think SHOULD have happened but never did.
23. The scenes or interactions you always looked forward to seeing.
24. The scenes or interactions you would have preferred to skip.
25. Favorite villain or antagonist who ISN’T Sylar. (Yes, you have to think here.)
26. A character you hated or disliked at first, but grew to love.
27. A character you loved at first, but grew to hate or dislike.
28. Something that reminds you of all the good moments in the show. (a picture, song, quote, etc.)
29. Your favorite member or members of the cast, because this is the best cast ever.
30. Something positive that you’ll miss most about the show.


mohinder, sylar, claire, isaac, adam, 30 day heroes, heroes, lydia, peter, noah

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