Title: When All the Stars Were Falling
Characters: James, Martha Jack , Ianto Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: James learns something surprising about Martha.
Author's Note: This has nothing to do with Iefan or Knocked Up or their stories. Starts after Exit Wounds. This is a crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean. Okay, I admit it. This is a fix-it fic for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Yay, Norrington!
Previous Chapter:
Night Terrors Masterlist:
http://ericadawn16.livejournal.com/140297.html Day Off
Jack strode over to the door and opened it so James knew the discussion was over, but he had his new-found rebelliousness. He never would have done this with a superior in the Royal Navy or tolerated someone doing it to him in Jamaica.
“When we talked yesterday, he mentioned another incident where he had pretended to be dead…”
Jack sighed and spoke as an authoritarian, “Ianto used to work at the much larger Torchwood in London. It employed hundreds of people until one day…there was a battle, everyone died except for twenty-seven.”
The older man wasn’t looking at him as he exited. Hopefully, it would help Ianto…if there was hope for Ianto, maybe things were looking up for himself. Torchwood’s newest employee wandered the Hub, not knowing his place in it until he spotted Martha. The embarrassment over insulting her, even if it was an accident, was still fresh in his mind and he was a bit ashamed to admit that the slap had excited him. They were not proper feelings and felt different from the affection he had felt for Elizabeth.
“James,” she greeted, not wearing the white coat like she was yesterday.
“Doctor,” he greeted back with a slight bow. She smiled and asked, “I was going up to the hothouse, want to come?”
Since he had nothing else to do so he nodded and followed after her.
“How are you coping…with all of it?”
He wasn’t sure where to start which is why he spoke the first thing that came to mind.
“Ianto showed me his tv,” he explained, unable to hide the wonder in his voice, “and they were showing a work of Shakespeare…with proper actors…I’ve seen a few of his on stage but…the actors could not compare to this…my great-grandfather attended one at the Globe…he claimed he saw the Bard himself…”
“I met him,” Martha interjected with a little laugh.
“My great-grandfather?” James asked, confused.
“No,” she said, chuckling some more, “Shakespeare.”
She was being completely serious, how could that be?
“Are you from another time as well then?” he inquired, seeing no other explanation.
“No, but it’s a…” she started and frowned, trying to think, “It’s a long story…a timey whimey thing where alien witches were using Shakespeare to write this play, Love’s Labour Won, and we had to stop them…maybe not that long of a story after all.”
They were ascending stairs and he was able to see a room of green that must be the hothouse.
“What was he like?” James questioned, curious about the things he’d heard. Martha stopped, smiling at herself so that those very white teeth showed.
“He was a lot like Jack actually…” she said and her brown eyes were very warm, “There was definite flirting.”
They both laughed because he had heard that, but it was different coming from someone who’d met him.
"That sounds like fun," James said and she laughed again.
"Stick around and you'll have plenty of adventures here," Martha told him.
Jack used the comm. system so that Ianto would come up to his office where he shut the door behind him. He could have tracked him down as he’d done the day before except that he had to act as Ianto’s boss and not Ianto’s lover.
“I think tonight we should put up James in a hotel until we can find a flat for him,” Jack spoke and the Ianto nodded.
“And we need to show him how to use a phone,” he added, stalling what really had to be said. An awkward moment passed and Ianto started to leave.
“We’re not done yet…James expressed some concern,” Jack said, making him stop in his tracks, “I’m sorry for forgetting about your shoulder being dislocated, but when I asked about it…you said it was fine. We’ve had you on active duty all this time…and in Switzerland.”
“It’s fine really, ancient history” the other mumbled met with a shake of the head, “It’s not important.”
“You are always important to me. Even if we weren’t lovers, you’re one of the team. Every one of you is important,” he spoke, walking towards him, “Afterwards, I thought you’d wait to cry until after Gwen had gone, but you didn’t. You still haven’t. You don’t have to be brave all the time around me.”
Ianto shook his head, saying, “I told him that, but that’s not…that’s not it. I wanted to be strong for me.”
Jack’s stomach hurt.
“When I first joined Torchwood in London, they were so welcoming. I felt as though I could be myself. I let my guard down and my heart was ripped into pieces over it,” he spoke and his blue eyes were watery, “yet even after that, I let myself be too vulnerable. You remember when you first hired me. Owen called me the ‘crying nancy boy’. I’m tired of crying, Jack, I don’t want to do it anymore…even if it means not feeling anything…”
His lover clasped him by the shoulders, telling him, “But that is what I like about you, Ianto. You don’t give up on people. You’re loyal…while the rest of us have become hardened by it all, you still let things get to you…you cried when we saved that little boy…if that stops, then you aren’t you anymore…”
“But how much can a body take, Jack? How much of this?” the younger man asked in a hoarse voice, “How many times am I capable of crying before I break? Before I…what if I turn into my mum, Jack?”
The tears started to fall and he held him close.
“It’s genetic, Jack. I could be like her…fine one day and in her bed the next…she was fine when we left her…now they have her on drugs all the time,” he continued and Jack just kept holding him; wishing he could make it better somehow, “Every time I feel sad or cry, I have to wonder whether it’s the same as anyone else would feel or if I’m becoming like her…I don’t want to be like her…I don’t.”
Jack kissed his forehead as Ianto spoke again, “Would you send me to the island? If I broke?”
He didn’t know.
However, he couldn’t tell him that.
“No, no, I wouldn’t,” he lied and from the way Ianto stiffened in his arms, the other knew it.
“Ianto, that may not even happen. You are one of strongest people I know. You lied to me for Lisa, you shot Owen because of me and saved Gwen’s wedding. I don’t think your mum’s fate is for you, but if it is, then that’s the future…” Jack told him, clutching him closer, “but we have right now and let’s not ruin that…”
As the younger man sobbed in his arms, he continued, “We’re going to take the day off today, leave Gwen in charge. She has our mobile numbers, but I’m going to take you to the movies…the first plot-less piece of fluff I can find.”
Ianto did feel better the next day. Although it hadn’t fixed everything like it used to be, he felt better. He felt like he could be honest with Jack again as he sat on the boss’ desk. There were just a few more things to do before they could go back to his place, probably order Chinese at some point. Then, he noticed the paperback off to the side. It was Homer’s The Odyssey with a scrap of paper for a bookmark. Curious, he picked it up to find a highlighted passage. In a soft voice, he read, “And on the tenth dark night the gods brought me nigh the isle Orgygia…Ogygia where Calypso of the braided tresses dwells, an awful goddess. She took me in, and with all care she cherished me and gave me sustenance, and said that she would make me to know not death nor age for all my days; but never did she win my heart within me. There I abode for seven years continually, and watered with my tears the imperishable raiment that Calypso gave me. But when the eighth year came round in his course, then at last she urged and bade me to be gone, by reason of a message from Zeus, or it may be that her own mind was turned. So she sent me forth on a well-bound raft, and gave me plenteous store, bread and sweet wine, and she clad me in imperishable raiment, and sent forth a warm and gentle wind to blow.”
It was an odd passage to have highlighted.
“Wasn’t she the one who kept him as a sex slave?” he asked, getting a smirk in return from Jack.
Tall Tales