Title: When All the Stars Were Falling
Characters: Time Agent, Vanessa
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: The Time Agent's life is changed forever.
Author's Note: This has nothing to do with Iefan or Knocked Up or their stories. Sorry, it's so short, this ends the prologue.
Previous Chapter:
Prologue: Karori Dharma's Other Name Masterlist:
http://ericadawn16.livejournal.com/140297.html Prologue: Secrets Come Out
“And you think everything’s so black and white, do you? There’s grey,” Sulis retorted and Karori tried not to cringe but his brother was still on his mind, “like you may be so incensed by the Alliance right now, but it was the Alliance that created River and people like her. Those people would go on to have descendents who were better at telepathy than others and have other traits as well…people like you.”
It had to be a lie.
“You were first. It was because of you that the Time Agency began to investigate what made you tick and they went back far enough to find the Alliance,” said the blonde, leaning over Karori, “They began actively recruiting other descendents, but the Alliance wanted something from us…River Tam and you couldn’t even do that.”
“Give her back,” hissed the brunette and Sulis just laughed.
“You think I could just produce your daughter? As if I would keep her on this planet or this system?” he questioned, his amusement growing with every word, “No, we heard about her little sub-etheric resonator trick so we found a planet and time so backwards that she wouldn’t have any technology to stand out with. You’ll never find her.”
“Just let us go, I won’t say anything…”
“Sorry, Boe, but the two of you know too much,” Sulis spoke, walking over to the door and banging on it. Two men entered, one with a needle that he recognized as RetCon.
“No, no, no, no!” Karori started screaming as the two men held his struggling form and the blonde approached with the needle, saying, “Two years ought to do it.”
Morning came in the windows of Karori’s flat and he woke up, ready to bound out of bed to check on Trea. A sharp pain stopped him and he pulled up the white t-shirt to see a bullet wound.
“I don’t remember getting shot lately,” he said into the empty room and noticed faint burn lines on his arms. Perplexed, he walked across the hallway to Trea’s room but it was only a spare room. There were no baby items at all, not even the gilded babybook and more pressing, no baby.
“Trea,” he called even though it was stupid to think a three month old could answer him, “Trea!”
Where was she? His head hurt and there was something…something he couldn’t describe, but it was like he’d forgotten something.
Vanessa…Vanessa had babysat her a few times, maybe she would know something. Karori knocked on the door with all his might, no patience for the bell.
“What is it?” asked the woman, anxiety shown on her face.
“Where’s Trea?” he questioned, “I can’t find her and she’s only an infant…”
“Who are you talking about?” she interrupted and a small boy approached them.
“Mummy, I’m hungry,” he complained, clutching a plush bear.
“Who’s that?” Karori inquired of the boy he’d never seen before. Vanessa gave him a look and explained, “That’s Darrenby, my son, remember?”
“No, Darrenby’s just a toddler, that boy’s more like three…”
“Are you feeling alright, Boe?” You’re acting funny,” she commented, motioning for him to come in.
“I’m not acting funny, everything else is,” Karori stated, entering but not sitting on any furniture, “I have a daughter and you’re saying I don’t and I have a bullet wound I don’t remember getting and your son is much older than I recall.”
Vanessa sighed, bent down to the boy who was supposed to be Darrenby and told him, “Go to the table and I’ll get you something in a minute.”
Karori didn’t like this at all especially when she went over to him and hugged him.
“Boe, I’m sorry, I don’t know why you don’t remember but…you miscarried. You never had a daughter,” she said, “Look for yourself, there’s no scar.”
“Yes, there is…” he argued, pulling up his shirts to see the line on his abdomen except it wasn’t there, just like she said. Maybe she was right.
“Come on, go have some fun,” she suggested, with a hand on his arm, “You’ll feel better, probably just nervous about the turn of the century and all.”
He laughed and reminded her, “It’s only 5097.”
“No, it’s not, it’s 5099…” she corrected, her hazel eyes were worried, “maybe you should go down to the Agency and get checked out. Maybe you bumped your head or something.”
How could he have forgotten two years? It didn’t make sense so he nodded and agreed that he should go down to the Agency.
“Karori Dharma, just the man I wanted to see!” exclaimed his boss, Jersey Saunders, “I have a new assignment for you.”
He was on a ship and headed for his next destination without even having seen a doctor. Alone on his bed, he began to think about all the memories that weren’t real. They seemed real to him as he thought about Trea kicking inside him, giving birth to her, the first time she smiled at him…
His ship lurched, sending everything that wasn’t properly stowed away on the floor. He picked through the belongings when one attracted his attention. It was bright blue and when he picked it up, it was a baby’s teething ring. Vanessa never would have let Darrenby on his ship which meant…
They’d lied to him. He did have a daughter. Trea was real. He’d lost his daughter and two years and the only people capable of that kind of deception was the Time Agency itself. His first thought was to turn the ship around and turn his sonic blaster on Jerry until he revealed where Trea was, but that louse might just deny everything even if Karori killed him. His disgust rose until he wanted nothing to do with them ever again, but that meant he could never find out where they’d taken her. Maybe if he investigated deeper…he had to find her and perhaps he could find allies. Not everyone would believe that he had a daughter, but they would believe that they took two years of his life. She was alive and they would be reunited. First, he’d go to where they wanted him to go…London, England on the planet Earth in the year 1941.
The Two Jacks Meet