Title: Between The Shores 1/1
Author: Rachel
Rating: PG, verging on PG-13
Pairing: Erica/Addison
Disclaimer: Not mine, will never be mine, though if anyone has a spare Sara Ramirez hanging around, I'll more than gladly take her. I don't own any characters herein, and I will return them (mostly) unharmed once I'm done playing. I am making no money from
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Comments 5
Ah... something feels right about Addica. Lovely read ♥
“Why won’t you listen to me? Callie isn’t a part of my life anymore. It sucked for a while, it did, but I’m over it, I’m done. What more can I say? How do I prove it to you?”
Bloody damn true about Hahn's character. :D
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