Title: Frankly, My Dear
Pairing: Ted/Cody (with other minor pairings implied)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Just days after the Confederate States of America fired upon Fort Sumter, the South was awaiting word on whether or not a war would start. Cody Runnels, however, was not so concerned about the war, no, he was more concerned about getting the love of his life, Randy Orton, to be with him. However, Cody winds up meeting the notorious Ted DiBiase and his life takes an interesting turn.
Word Count: 7637
A/N: This is for
coisceim using the prompt: Any famous movie scene re-written ala Ted and Cody. So, I picked Gone With the Wind, and I really hope that you enjoy this! And I hope that I managed to do this book and movie justice!
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone from the WWE and Gone With the Wind is property of Margaret Mitchell. There are direct quotes from the movie in here, which, again, I don’t own!
After all, tomorrow is another day!