i'm still here; a josh/donna picspam

Feb 26, 2011 22:49

I watched the Gaza arc again last night. Was inspired to make a picspam of it. This picspam is also a Bradley Whitford's face appreciation picspam because damn, can that boy act with his face.

(I know the car's about the blow up and that's really bad but can we focus on how absolutely gorgeous Janel Maloney is for a moment? Also, Jason Isaacs. I'm not ashamed to say that as much as I love Josh and Josh/Donna, I really enjoyed Colin and his relationship with Donna, as brief as it was, and I think part of the reason why was how much he had come to care for her in such a short amount of time, as seen by the expression on his face when the explosion happens.)

(I loved how they did this, with Josh finally reading the e-mails with clear regret and Donna's voiceovers and how the timeline of this episode was constructed.)

LEAHY: You wanna sit?
JOSH: I’m fine.
LEAHY: At the moment I’m more worried about you.
JOSH: I’m good. I’m good.
LEAHY: Well, we’ll want to perform some Doppler studies, ensure no clots have formed. Recovery from the pneumothorax may take several weeks. The fracture, months of physical therapy.
JOSH: Great. I mean, not great, but considering.
LEAHY: You can see her. Uh, if you’d like.

JOSH: Hey.
DONNA: What happened to you?
JOSH: To me?
DONNA: You need to shave.
JOSH: I haven’t... really had time.
DONNA: Uh, where am I?
JOSH: You’re in Germany.
DONNA: It doesn’t look like Germany.

(Donna Moss, never change. ♥)

DONNA: How long are you staying?
JOSH: I don’t know, I figured if I hang around long enough one of the nurses is bound to give me a sponge bath.
DONNA: Leo doesn’t need you to...
JOSH: I’m here as long as I need to be here. Jello?

(My heart. ♥ And cue Bradley Whitford's face rocking it when Colin comes in and kisses Donna. See? THIS MAN AND HIS ACTING. You're not fooling anyone, Josh Lyman.)

JOSH: So, you too spend a lot of time together?
COLIN: Uh... some.
JOSH: Pretty long flight from Gaza to Germany.
COLIN: Not really. Not as long as the flight from DC. Look, she didn’t mention... anything. You know, if this is going to be an issue...
JOSH: No. No issue.

DONNA: Isn’t he charming?
JOSH: Sure, in a bodice-ripping, Heathcliff-on-the-moor, I’m-too-sexy-for-my-camera sort of way.
DONNA: Oh, Josh.

(Green is a fabulous colour on you, Josh.)

JOSH: Donna Moss. She’s not in her room. Where is she?
NURSE: Are you a relative?
JOSH: I work for the President of the United States; I have the diplomatic rank of a three-star general; tell me where Donna Moss is.

COLIN: You Jewish?
JOSH: Why? You anti-Semitic?
COLIN: Anyone who thinks the Palestinians have a point is anti-Semitic.
JOSH: And anyone who thinks the Jews don’t after being chased and exiled and persecuted for centuries is either an idiot or a fool, probably both.

DOCTOR: Ms. Moss was experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain. Her chest CT revealed a blood clot in her right lung. She asked if she could see you for a moment before we put her under.
DOCTOR: Uh, no. Mr. Lyman.

JOSH: Yeah. Don’t be. You’re going to be fine, okay?

(Or where Bradley Whitford's face deserves an Emmy. So this scene right here is absolutely in my top five Josh/Donna scenes and it's for the fact that Donna can joke and try and seem calm but she's also comfortable enough with Josh to tell him she's scared. And uggghhh, Josh's face when he reads that. THAT IS THE SOUND OF MY HEART BREAKING.)

COLIN: So you fly halfway around the world at a moment’s notice to rush to a woman’s beside when the White House is facing off a biblical apocalypse?
JOSH: We work together.
COLIN: Past alliances gone bad or tragically unconsummated love kept at arm’s length by puritanical American workplace ethics.

JOSH: This is taking too long. Isn’t this taking too long?
COLIN: She wrote to me every single day, and she called weekends and she was always there. And I took her for granted, you know?

DONNA: You’re still here.
JOSH: Yeah. I’m still here.

(!) public post, (actor) bradley whitford, (ship) josh/donna, (tv) the west wing, (pop culture) picspam, (actress) janel moloney

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