comic con 2010: where the pen is mightier than the sword

Jul 26, 2010 17:02


Basically, Comic Con 2010 was the most amazing experience. I had the absolute time of my life, hung out with some of my best friends, met some new, awesome people, laughed more than was maybe healthy, and geeked out to the utmost extreme. If you haven't gone, I completely suggest you do everything in your power to do so. It was incredible. There are no videos in this post (but everything is basically already on YouTube so go there) but there are lots of pictures so be warned (I took over 1,000 but these are only a fraction of that). Definitely not dial-up friendly.

First, of course, was waiting in line for Hall H. I was literally in Hall H all day Thursday. I didn't leave that room once but I saw some pretty epic panels so I'm pleased. Guillermo del Toro showed up as well after the TRON panel to announce he would be directing The Haunted Mansion (probably why he dropped The Hobbit) and they weren't returning Eddie Murphy's calls. xD I actually have a lot of faith in this film so I'm excited.

My sister and I waiting in the line for Hall H.

Anton was our entertainment for the hours on end that we waited. xD

The Hilton!


Dreamworks films are usually a hit or miss for me. This one definitely looks like a hit. Quite honestly, it looks pretty hilarious. The panel itself probably converted a lot of people to wanting to see the film which is the story of the villain actually succeeding in taking over the fictional city Metropolis.

Wil Ferrel came out dressed up as Megamind which was quite hilarious. Joined by Tina Fey and Jonah Hil.

Brad Pitt couldn't make it so we had this instead. xD

Jonah started talking about Mel Gibson (and how the Jews killed Jesus) until he stormed off, knocking Brad over on his way. It was hilarious. Tina said it would be awkward when we returned and we had to be cool.

Then she cuddled Brad.

tron: legacy

This panel was one of my absolute favourites if only for the sheer epicness. And Michael Sheen totally fangirling the movie. And just Michael Sheen in general. The trailer and clips they showed gave me shivers and I cannot wait for this film. It was so incredible to see Jeff Bridges as well. Plus they recorded the Hall H audience chanting certain lines and screaming and stomping our feet and that recording might go into the actual film during the games!

Plus Patton Oswald was the moderator for the panel and that just made it ten times more epic.

Yes, there is a pattern of Michael Sheen here. What of it?


I'm not super excited for this film but it looks decent enough. Plus it was lovely to see Liev Schreiber. :D And surreal to see Angelina Jolie. She gorgeous in real life and actually quite eloquent and intelligent.

battle: los angeles

Again, not super pumped for the film itself but Aaron Eckhart! Michelle Rodriguez! Epic squared.


This film, on the other hand, looks so awesome. I only wish Jon Malkovic had been at Comic Con because that man is pure genius. Karl Urban was lovely and sexy (and every time someone asked him a question, there was this definitive squealing of the fangirls) though and Helen Mirren and Bruce Willis were total BFFs.

Karl imitated Bones and it was epic. 8D

visionaries: joss whedon and jj abrams

Need I say more?

Joss started completely fangirling Trek and all JJ could do was facepalm.

the expendables

I won't be flocking to see this film but the panel itself was epic. It was awesome to see Sylvester Stallone and he seemed very lovely. I also loved seeing Dolph and I only wish Jason Statham had been there too.

Terry came out and just ripped his shirt off. So much better than Lautner. Bad quality but I had to post it.

And then Bruce showed up!

scott pilgrim vs. the world

I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE OMGGGGGG I CAN'T EVEN. IT'S GOING TO BE SO EPIC. I loved this panel and Edgar Wright and just everything about it. They gave out pins and those who got a 1-Up pin got to see the film that night with the cast. They had free screenings Friday and Saturday too but I didn't go to any. I'm fine to wait until August 13th. Still, so excited! Plus, I really like Jason Schwartzman and cannot wait to see him in this role. And Brandon Routh is really pretty.

Edgar Wright ♥

Edgar gave the cast members group introductions and then gave one for Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who ran on before he "remembered" they weren't in this film and he kicked them off stage and they were sad. D:

Michael Cera came on dressed as Captain America!

Just as on Thursday, I sat in a room on Friday and never left. This time it was for Ballroom 20 and all these TV shows. It was pretty awesome, I must say.

stargate: unvierse

I don't watch this show (except for maybe an episode or two) but I loved this panel because it was hilarious. Ming-Na and David Blue absolutely cracked me up, especially the former and her immense love for her iPhone. xD


I don't watch this show either but JAMES MARSTERS. <3

the big bang theory

This panel was so beautiful and so hilarious and I took an insane amount of pictures at this one. I couldn't stop laughing during it. This cast is just so adorable and funny and of course Wil Wheaton moderated it which was just so awesome again. Plus Jim Parsons sang Soft Kitty!

The best (and most evil) moderator in all of Comic Con.

Then we had a sing-along to the theme song. We thought it was just going to be a fun thing but then THE BARENAKED LADIES WALKED OUT TO SING WITH US.

And Kaley reveals she only recently read Harry Potter and Jim insisted she would have been in Slytherin. xD

Someone asked Kunal how Raj would break it to Howard if he slept with a beautiful girl and Kunal said Raj would rub it in his face. Look at Simon! Poor thing.


The immense amount of love I have for this show is epic. I loved this panel. The only thing that could have made it better is if the whole cast had been there. But Emily and David were adorable and they totally banter just like Booth and Brennan. They even had an I Love You More fight! And talked about their fears and how David would be a veggie burger for Emily but she said she wouldn't be a cheeseburger for him. And I asked a question about Hodgins/Angela and David and I sang the Batman theme together since I was wearing a Batman shirt. Best ever.

David is seriously so adorable. He was absolutely hilarious and so sweet at the panel.

Emily was the surprise guest! Though Hart had teased coyly about it on Twitter so it wasn't too much of a surprise. xD Also, she's so gorgeous.

the joss whedon experience

Basically Joss being awesome and talking and answering our questions. He even let us get our frustration for Wash's death by letting us boo about it.

Joss describing his writing process.

Then a mysterious fan asked Joss a question: who his favourite actor to work with is.


kick ass women

Awesome women talking about playing kick ass characters. I asked Jena Malone about Jane Austen and her contribution to strong females characters. I adore seeing her as well. She was so bright and eloquent and absolutely lovely.

true blood


Basically? I adored this panel. I adore this show in general and this was one of the panels I was most looking forward to and it did not disappoint. There's definitely a theme to these photos with my love for Stephen and how adorable he is with Anna but I got everyone else too! I also asked Alan Ball a question about Franklin. But this cast was super adorable and so appreciative and it was just fantastic.

Have I mentioned I love this man? Well, I do. xD

I also love Denis' suit.

They got the fangirls excited about teasing about Alexander and then Stephen and Anna brought out this. XD I was personally more bummed Ryan Kwanten and James Frain weren't there.

I melt every time they look at each other, I swear.


tv guide hot list


We got front row seats for this panel and so these are probably my favourite photos. It was actually a really fun and interesting panel too, just talking about current and upcoming TV shows with the stars. Plus Chi McBride is basically the funniest person in the world ever. Also, Morena's new hairstyle omg!

Summer Glau is so gorgeous I can hardly stand it.

He was talking about vampires being on Chuck. xD


THIS PANEL. ONE OF MY FAVOURITES EVER. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT AND HAD SO MUCH FUN AND THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST CASTS EVER. They were so appreciative and excited to be there, especially since the show owes a lot to its fan. Zachary Levi especially is just so enthusiastic about the fans and really adores them.

They started out this panel with a music video to Bad Romance by Jeffster. BEST EVER. XD Then the cast came out dancing and they threw t-shirts (the only Zach and Adam Baldwin are wearing) and Stacey and I each caught one! It was so exciting.

Ryan was so awesome. Pun intended.

One of my favourite shots of the whole weekend. And yup, that's the shirt I got!

Zach was talking about Chuck/Sarah and he and Yvonne had this adorable moment.

Joshua facepalmed. XD

Josh said Adam's hands were soft and this was Adam's reaction.

Afterwards we wandered around for a bit (went to the fulfilment room because at some panels you get a ticket and you can go get free stuff - we got tickets for True Blood, Cowboys & Aliens, Bones, and Captain America/Thor and got t-shirts and books and goodie bags) before getting in line for Hall H because I wasn't about to miss the epicness that was the night of these panels. We also saw panels for Let Me In, Resident Evil: Afterlife, and movie trailers (which was awesome because I love trailers and I saw the trailer for the new Keira Knightley/Carey Mulligan/Andrew Garfield film).


Before I begin, the pen stabbing happened before this panel which delayed it. Basically, a fan stabbed another fan in the eye with a pen over a seat. Oh, Comic Con, what have you come to? Parker, Stacey, and I found out the story via Twitter because how else do geeks communicate? It was everywhere and the rest of the con, jokes were made. The next day someone had even made a shirt that read: I survived the eye stabbing! Or something like that.

THIS PANEL. THIS CAST. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jason Bateman, Bill Hader, Sigourney Weaver, Seth Rogen, and others! Basically? It was hilarious and the trailer for Paul looks epic. I cannot wait for this film.

cowboys and aliens

I was excited for this panel solely for Jon Favreau and because I'm excited for the film. Only Jon Favreau was announced to being there and I had no idea who the cast was. And then it was revealed. Out walked Daniel Craig and Olivia Wilde! AND THEN SAM ROCKWELL. I absolutely lost it. I was so, so excited to see him. ♥ But then Favreau had one more guest who had never been to Comic Con so we're all holding our breath in anticipation. AND THEN OUT WALKS HARRISON FUCKING FORD. OH MY GOD HALL H LEAPT TO THEIR FEET AND ABSOLUTELY ERUPTED WITH CHEERS. He walked out in handcuffs and with two security guards because there was some joke about dragging him there or it was another jab at the pen stabbing but it was epic. He seemed very humbled and overwhelmed to have that welcoming. It was amazing.

And then Marvel happened.

captain america

My mind was basically continually blown by Hall H this night. We saw a clip and teaser trailer for this film and it was epic. I cannot wait for Marvel to take over. Chris Evans and Hugo Weaving were there and it was just so beautiful, I can't even. I was shaking with excitement the entire time.


KENNETH BRANAGH. ♥ I totally freaked out at seeing him and hearing his voice. Dreamy. And Natalie Portman was there and of course Thor (totally forgot the name of the actor) and it was just so epic. The trailer for this film looks phenomenal as well. I cannot wait.

the avengers

There had been rumours all weekend that RDJ would be showing up and there would be some announcement for The Avengers. Well. First Samuel L. Jackson walks out and the Avengers we know (Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, etc.) and then RDJ comes out (with the most awful haircut but still totally sexy and epic). And he announces the new Hulk. We imagined they picked him to announce it because he's the one person fans would be least likely to hate. He dicked around with us saying the person was 'reprising' the role and it all sounded like 'don't hate, he's really playing the Hulk, accept it, just know I'm still awesome as Tony Stark'. So it was announced that Mark Ruffalo would be playing him. I don't really have anything against Ruffalo but he just isn't Bruce Banner. :| Still, it was amazing to see all the Avengers + Joss Whedon assembled together for the first time and Jeremy Runner was announced as Hawkeye. I got chills seeing this cast together.


THIS PANEL WAS HILARIOUS. God, I love this cast. First Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic read a steamy passage from Heat Wave and it was the most beautiful thing ever. Molly dressed up as Uhura, John was hilarious, and Nathan kept giving fans who asked questions random gifts like his wristbands from the con and his eyebrow hairs and oreos and it was fantastic. I laughed so much.

Nathan "mispronounced" cologne so he had to discuss the right pronunciation with the boys. xD

The passage was so steamy that John began fanning Nathan and Nathan rubbed ice over his face.


ANTHONY STEWART HEAD. oh god this man. XD He is beautiful and he cracks me up. He nearly cried from laughing so much multiple times throughout this panel. Like when they talked about biscuits or played the blooper reel. Plus Colin Morgan was lovely and seemed overwhelmed by it all and he has the best cheekbones. Plus they had the S3 trailer which looks epic and Warick Davis will be in an episode, yay!

This was my angle at the panel so most photos will be of the screen which aren't of great quality but still.


THE MERCHANDISE. I only have pictures of the two things I bought but I also got (for free) a Captain America t-shirt, a True Blood goodie bag (a t-shirt, the third book which I'm reading though I haven't read the first two and swore I never would but I doubt I'll continue because I don't like the writing, etc.), the book by Kathy Reichs that inspired Bones, Scott Pilgrim stuff, bags, more swag. It was just awesome. Comic Con is the best place for swag.

My Tron poster! So epic. Plus it's two fandoms in one! Tron and Chuck! Best ever.

My Cyclops statuette. X-Men was my first foray into comics and superheroes so they hold a special place in my heart, especially Scott who was always my favourite. He go the short end of the stick in the films but he's such a good character in the comics. I love, love this statuette.

That took a while but I hope it was worth it and you enjoyed it! It was so incredible and everything went right and it was the best first Comic Con experience ever. I cannot wait to go back. :D

(actor) sam rockwell, (tv) chuck, (actor) nathan fillion, (pop culture) picspam, (actor) robert downey jr., (film) general, (tv) castle, (tv) true blood, (actor) stephen moyer, (film) the avengers, (pop culture) comic con, (real life) life event, (film) marvel, (tv) general, (real life) the win in life, (!) public post, (tv) merlin, (disney) general, (tv) bones, (pop culture) celebrities, (actor) michael sheen, (misc) my insane geekery, (tv) the big bang theory, (misc) pictures

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