I am clearly getting better at Legilimency.

Jul 26, 2008 14:29

The most epic JKR interview EVER - Basically, she's just answering a lot of questions. It makes me happy inside. I found myself cracking up and nearing tears - haha!

Emily: What ever happened to Aberforth?
J.K. Rowling: He is still there, at the Hog's Head, playing with his goats.

OMG. Why does that crack me up so much? Just the bluntness of the ( Read more... )

(harry potter) general, (harry potter) marauders are my life, (harry potter) jp = my fictional love, (harry potter) deathly hallows, (tv) doctor who, (ship) james/lily, (actor) david morrissey, (author) jk rowling

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Comments 12

_thirty2flavors July 26 2008, 23:55:15 UTC
I came over here from lilyandjames to look at your thoughts on the interview (it came out a while ago, didn't it?) but I admit that I ended up being more interested in the Doctor Who link, lol. *flails* I am somewhat indignant at Moffat's description of Rose as a "slightly clinging girlfriend".

ANYWAY. I happen to be in the minority of Lily/James shippers who also happen to like unrequited!Snape/Lily, and I did before DH, though I never expected it to be canon. The thing that feels off to me about Rowling's remark that Lily might have loved him if he hadn't gotten into Dark Arts or whatever is the way that is such a fundamental aspect of his character. To me it translated to "Oh, sure, she'd have loved him, if he was nicer and not a Death Eater and not into Dark Arts" which sort of translates to "if he wasn't anything like how he really is" and that's just kind of a strange statement to make.


erethesunrises July 27 2008, 01:10:28 UTC
I'm not sure when it came out but I just noticed it over at harry_potter so it's the first time I've seen it.

Anyway, when I read Moffat's words to describe Rose, I wasn't too happy either. I just...no. My friend and I have had several conversations about Moffat and we've concluded that he ships Nine/Rose but not Ten/Rose. Le sigh.

Yay for being in the minority! I was never against Sev's feelings for Lily but I've really come to appreciate them in the past couple of months. It is a bit odd how she said it, isn't it? The fact of the matter is that he is dark and a Death Eater and all that. I don't think that was ever going to change but it is very much in Lily's character to try and ward him away from it. I know what you're saying though - Sev and Lily could have ended up together if he loved bunnies and rainbows, right? xD


_thirty2flavors July 27 2008, 04:13:34 UTC
Yeahhh Girl in the Fireplace was certainly not very Ten/Rose friendly, lol. I'm glad they tied off the Rose storyline to give Moffat free reign (and so that I'm more willing to accept characters like River Song).Also, how adorable are Billie and David in your icon? *dies*

If Snape wasn't dark the way he is he'd be an entirely different character, is all, so it's weird to say "well sure Lily could've loved him! if... he... was someone else." I admit that it does irk me a little how ever since DH fandom basically regards Snape as a lost puppy who just needs some cuddles and they've all decide that Lily and Snape are obviously ~destined 2 b~ despite the fact that he knowingly joined a cult dedicated to eradicating people like her.


erethesunrises July 28 2008, 02:10:16 UTC
Yeah, if they had kept her story open, Moffat may just have killed us all but torturing her somehow. Now we know it won't be too bad. I admit that I am not a fan of River in the least because of her personality and so I hope we don't see her again but if we do, I believe I'll be more accepting. SUPER CUTE. -uses another one-

Sev and Lily never could have been. I understand that Lily would think that, though. She's basically thinking if Sev could have changed his ways, "seen the light", they would have had a chance. Of course he would never would, though, and that's what makes their relationship so heartbreaking and appealing. I would never want it to change in any way. And oh, the theories going around. -sigh- That one irks me and so does the one that James forced Lily into marriage which is completely and utterly ridiculous. I mean, I love the relationship that Sev and Lily have but sorry to say, it doesn't go any farther than what we saw. Pfft, fandom.

By the way, any chance we could become friends? :D


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erethesunrises July 27 2008, 01:13:21 UTC
Oh, not at all! The Marauders are pretty my what my obsession with Harry Potter consists of. I mean, I love the fandom as a whole but they deserve extra appreciation and brownie points. :D

Oh, that was addressed in the Q&A actually! I just didn't include it here. Not sure if you read the whole thing, but someone asked that question and JKR definitively stated that no one knew what Sev's Patronus was. She stated that they were used to communicate but since Sev was taking on the role of spy, it could give him away and so he didn't use it. x33


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erethesunrises July 27 2008, 02:19:11 UTC
Enjoy! :D


netclari7 July 27 2008, 03:13:43 UTC
Yay, another Sev supporter! <3


erethesunrises July 28 2008, 02:10:35 UTC
Always and Forever. <3


artic_fox July 27 2008, 04:25:10 UTC
Thanks for the link on the Doctor Who spoilers. I love that they have Morrissey in period costume. I read some of the stuff from the DW Comic Con panel, and arhghghg, I think I'm annoyed at Moffat. Granted, the man is a genius, but some of the things he says really irritates me! Especially:

Moffat said you have to give the Doctor credit for "dumping a sligthly clingy girlfriend" by sticking her with a clone.

I mean, I'm not a hardcore shipper on DW, but I do love the Doctor/Rose dynamic and he is so obvious that he hates it. Plus I hate River Song and don't want to see her ever again. So I'm worried about the future of the show. Not worried worried because Moffat (for the most part) is a great writer, but I think he certainly has a different vision than what we have been used to which will take some adjustment.


erethesunrises July 28 2008, 02:12:39 UTC
Of course! Morrissey in period costume makes me a very happy camper. :D Guh. I wish I could have gone to ComicCon. Yeah, Moffat is starting to really rub me the wrong way. I hope it's not a sign for things to come.

That statement really got to me the wrong way. Just...no. Do not want. Same with River - seeing her again would just make me unhappy. Simple as that. I respect Moffat but as you said, his vision is so different and I think we're in for quite a ride.


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