Would you believe that, in all my years playing, I've never broken chain 100 in any of my merit parties? I think my old record was 80-something in a MNKx3 RDM BRD WHM old school KRT party. It's not that all of my merit parties have been BAD per se, it's just that something always happens to interupt us. Disconnections, someone has to go AFK, a competing party shows up, someone dies, no mobs... you know, the usual.
The other day, I got this interesting chain.
LS party with DNC (me) RDM BRD MNK MNK and a 73 DRK. Good times.
What's also amazing is that, earlier in the day, I got a chain 190 on a DNC COR RDM DDx3 party. No BRDs at all in that one. Two amazing parties in the same day. I got 10 merits total in only a couple hours. Is it just an amazing coincidence that my first two serious merit parties on dancer completely shattered all records held by my other jobs, including my bard?
I've already sold my minstrel's ring and other bard merit gear and have put the job into semi-retirement. I still have the essentials for things like salvage (if only because I can't sell most of my rare/ex stuff) but I never plan on getting another limit point on bard again. There's just no reason to when DNC replaces it so well and is amazingly more fun.
I don't idle well, as some people may know. And while I'm still actively seeking new challenges on my dancer (Fenrir was a world of hurt, but there are others) I also want to keep leveling new jobs in my attempt to become an extremely powerful and well-rounded character. In the end it came down between THF and SMN. I have the merits for THF, but it's at 37, would require pretty expensive gear, and ultimately isn't much more than just a DNC -1. SMN gets no respect perhaps, but it was already 65 and I could gear it up relateively cheap. So I dug up my old AF and bought some AH goodies and away we go.
Weapons - all NQ staves exept for Apollo's
Strap - staff strap
Throwing - fortune egg
Head - evoker's horn
Neck - beak necklace +1
Earrings - antivenom earring and insomnia earring
Body - austere robe (crafted and signed by Brimah!)
Hands - carbuncle mitts
Rings - electrum ring and ether ring
Back - aurora mantle
Waist - powerful rope
Legs - evoker's spats
Feet - evoker's pigaches
Yeah, I'm doing this on the cheap (electrum ring aurora mantle wtf) but the pieces that are a bit weak will be replaced by stronger alternatives in a few levels anyway. I already have the summoner's bracers (courtesy of
stylishly lootwhoring them from Dynamis-Bastok on the most productive day of FFXI ever). I'll have all the whispers for the elemental avatars so I'll need to set up a Fenrir run to get the Evoker's ring. AF+1 feet can be gotten eventually from Limbus and the Nashira gages cheaply from Ultima since all SMNs have them. Really all I lack that will be annoying is that bloody Yinyang Robe.
Interestingly, I'm having no real problem getting invites on SMN. It's already gone from 65 to 67. I've gotten three invites not seeking the past couple days while doing other things. I have to agree to shut up and main heal, but that's no real shock. Things will die out when I get to merit levels, but that's what campaign is for I suppose.
Duoed Uninvited Guests on DNC with a WHM. It was easy for both of us. Those capped evasion merits and the boxer's mantle and the evasion torque that didn't do me ONE BIT OF GOOD on Fenrir made this guy a joke even in fast-attacking sword form. I know I could have soloed it, but I don't mind going duo since my LS does this weekly in an attempt to get evokers.
Salvage is going down in flames due to the team leader Shpendi's continued weekend abscence. Of our last five runs, only two actually happened, and one of them was co-lead by Iggy and I. Salvage is a fun event but the fact that we're never, ever, ever going to get good drops is starting to kill morale. Bhaflau ramparts didn't help that either. Here's to hoping the group gets beaten into shape soonish.
I sort of took advantage of the salvage abscence to use my assault tags for Nyzul. My LS has a group going up with static six members, but someone's always gone so they are always asking for outside help. I offered to show up on DNC and we went on three runs, winning all three and climbing from floor 45 to floor 60. DNC in nyzul was bliss, though I think it was more DNC being fun and less nyzul, but still not bad. I was even halfway decent on the Hydra boss on floor 60 with my steps and haste samba and frequent divine waltzes. I'm probably welcome back whenever they need help, but I really am nowhere near coordinated enough to build assault points for salvage and have enough left over for nyzul full time.
Apparently, that's all I did this week. Lots of exp grinding with some real life stuff and my usual LS events that didn't net me anything noteworthy. I've been sort of slacking on Ererant lately, but I think I got most of the truely burning issues off of my chest and I don't want to force it. Well, we'll see what happens.