The Fountain

Jun 03, 2008 19:11

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Comments 20

robvagle June 4 2008, 03:22:01 UTC

Your reaction has me curious. How bad could it be? Damn you, now I have to find out!



erdnase2000 June 4 2008, 03:40:31 UTC
Well because it only cost $6 and you live in a different country, it's not worth the cost of mailing, or I would just send it to you.

It's not that it's so bad, but... wait... yes it is. It's an art film that doesn't even get close to the art part. And I usually like this sort of thing. Seriously.

Funny thing, it's directed by Darren Aronofsky, same guy who directed pi and Requiem for a Dream, two movies I absolutely LOVED (especially the second, because any movie with Jennifer Connelly in a hot lesbian scene surrounded by fifteen chinese men doing it because she needs money for smack can NEVER be bad, imho).


Seriously, don't even watch it for the badness. It's not like Killer Zombie Panty Raid From Outer Space or anything like that. It's really, really not worth your time.


ex_chrisbil June 4 2008, 21:10:12 UTC
Ass to ass!


erdnase2000 June 4 2008, 23:27:31 UTC
I thought it was Ass to Mouth.

Have you seen Clerks 2? Now there's a movie I can watch twelve times (I think I'm up to eight). Absofuckinglutely brilliant.


bridget_coila June 4 2008, 05:13:54 UTC
I had a free pass to this movie when it first came out and brought a friend.
Afterwards, as we were walking home, I apologized to him for bringing him- for free- to see it...

We finally decided that it is best described as a "visual metaphor 90 minutes long." My friend, who also happens to be a indie filmmaker, pointed out that a visual metaphor style of filmmaking might be appropriate for a 90-second movie...

On the flip side, my ex loved the movie... which isnt precisely why we split up or anything, but does show that some people have wildly different tastes...



erdnase2000 June 4 2008, 05:48:31 UTC
Well you missed a comment posted by a good friend of mine, claiming that they loved the movie and have watched it twelve times and obviously has found some deeper meaning in it than I have. Which is great ( ... )


skidspoppe June 4 2008, 09:11:55 UTC
Waitress was amazing!

And in RE: David Lynch - just because you don't understand it does not make it art!


erdnase2000 June 4 2008, 13:29:08 UTC
hahahahahah Omigod. That's EXACTLY what I'm trying to say. I almost smashed my TV at the end of Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me.


zebralicious June 4 2008, 20:44:39 UTC
Three of us went to see it and we all were a bit speechless about it. We ended up talking about the movie all week long. It's one of those movies that either you like or you don't. We fell on the liking it side, and our experience so far is that it's not worth explaining it to those who didn't like it. It was definately a meditation piece on writing, life, loss, and mythology. If anything, the refreshing organic space scenes were a refreshing take from an overindulgence of cgi in the past decade.


erdnase2000 June 4 2008, 23:21:51 UTC
See, I knew you would like it. I just somehow knew it ( ... )


zebralicious June 4 2008, 23:28:17 UTC
You'll be pleased to know they're making a sequel to Dances With Wolves. Unfortunately, I don't think the monkey is going to get a part.


erdnase2000 June 5 2008, 00:19:30 UTC
Dammit! Can't he play the part of Kevin Costner? Did I ever tell you that Kevin Costner is the actor I single-handedly hate the most. Other than Bull Durham (I think that was it... baseball movie with, um, that old, yet sexy, chick married to Tim Robbins, can't remember her name -- she was in Rocky Horror), there is not a single movie I can watch.

They are all so horrible.


ext_93187 June 5 2008, 11:19:07 UTC
Oh man, how could you campare it to Lynch's. We don't like it either, but Darren's 'Requiem For A Dream' is truly a masterpiece, highly recommended.


erdnase2000 June 5 2008, 14:13:32 UTC
I agree completely. One of my all-time favorite movies. I also like Pi very, very much.

My Lynch comparison was more to point out that the movie seemed to verge on being overly complicated with no point other than to confuse stupid viewers. Something I think David Lynch has cornered he market on :)


erdnase2000 June 5 2008, 17:41:46 UTC
And you know? Why has nobody mentioned how freaking CONVENIENT it is that the guy studies new medicine technologies for brain tumors and his wife happens TO HAVE A BRAIN TUMOR... (and the worst part)... BEFORE THE MOVIE BEGINS.

It's one of the WORST examples of Deus Ex Machina I have seen in a LONG time.


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