Gender and Me

May 09, 2013 18:26

The summer that I was seven we went through a period where we played house every afternoon with a couple of the neighborhood kids. We would meet on our back porch and divide up the roles. There was always a short struggle over who would be the Daddy, the Mommy, the little sisters or little brothers, all of which made me intensely uncomfortable for ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

adafrog May 10 2013, 00:00:12 UTC
Very good. Perfectly expressed.


erda_3 May 11 2013, 12:03:50 UTC


sylvanwitch May 10 2013, 12:08:13 UTC
I can really relate to your memories here. In my neighborhood, we were all about pretending to be characters from television shows, and I far preferred CHiPs or Bonanza, where all of the characters we enacted were men, than I did, say, Charlie's Angels (during which I was usually Jackie because she was the smart one, not because she was played by Jacqueline Smith, who was and is gorgeous). And when we did play house, I really never wanted to be the mom because that meant taking care of the kids, which wasn't something, even then, that interested me ( ... )


erda_3 May 11 2013, 12:14:52 UTC
{hugs} Good to know I'm not alone out here. I feel so old compared to most of the people I follow online.


dahlia34563 November 16 2016, 22:35:36 UTC
I've been living in the hills ever since then and sometimes when the loneliness gets to me I still c


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