Erasure: An Ugly act of Life

Aug 13, 2009 17:44

Nobody keeps waiting,

Calm laughing,

and weirdly dusty water.

unhelpful things, like rainfall

and the way

it's creating a wall.

Somebody has to calm down

says she

and grinds her teeth.

slowly, like a withering look.

expense and notices and wonders and chance

Light makes the most through abandon

This last time you borrow my anger

Anything touches it,

and most people are allergic

it makes Hello distracted,

and time unwraps, while the door open






we can't

we can't

"I feel"

"I don't"

smiles, which causes steps to where he can exit

Now go wait.

"I was just trying to be nice"

"You're not nice"

a million times can't make the reasons clearer


people kill for less.

the queen sighs.

tilting sideways before the next random throw in the air.

"I'm going back."

Scratching and avoiding eyes, which means          something

don't want to explain

the concept of understanding

it seemed unwilling

or unable

to going through decline

but reason is willing to take responsibility

you look surprised for five seconds,

and then

smoothly interrupts.

"It means 'get to it,' so let's do, tiger,"

with an elegant quirk of eyebrows

before the situation know to fight it She opts to follow his lead.

are we dealing with issues?

laugh, frown and then shrug

When she can breathe again she picks up on the eighth.

"you're acting like a child,"

and starts running back to the candy machine.

his hand says                      "give me an answer,"

"You don't really want it,"


stay out

and swallow

too fast.

Ow, ow,  how delightful looks suspicious.

less time was going to be reasonable


who's the lucky winner? fear.

As if to shout unpredictable

through moments of


"I don't understand,"

"Then allow me to clarify,"

is It Different because of sex, or different because of love?

all softness smiles her brain

and I'm not in love

"One of those is a lie,"

"No, it's not,"

and the beep-beep-beep insists,

"It is it is it is."

extricating herself from her younger sister's fight

a little, just a little

so sure laughs

Because you're my declaration

and collapses that follows with a jab that horribly crumbles.

It's only for a few seconds, because all women are liars,

it's something tragically significant and makes her laugh far too loud.

Do you think I'm too involved?

chokes and mutters and prods

keep a grin

a look a million miles away.

He says some really horrible things about honor

of keeping in line

and cough in the dirt.

lock your doors to struggle again,

climb into the bright side of life,

The two of them don't have to deal with justice.

He's dead before the beginning of the day

The promise goes missing.

They question it on the streets. They question it because of compassion

they believe

they don't see

people get lost.

People get lost

but no one should be abandoned


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