Unfogging the future~!

Sep 10, 2011 15:16

Who: Helga and anyone who would like their fortune told!
Open: Yes!
When: First Saturday after classes started, mid-afternoon
Where: On the shore of the Great Lake
What: Time to work on some Divination homework.

well, maybe she's making it foggier... )


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Comments 11

notjuice September 11 2011, 20:34:41 UTC
I hear you're doing fortunes. *Poppy doesn't really believe in fortune telling, but it seems like a bit of fun and she's always up for helping someone with their homework*


blessed_broc September 12 2011, 01:34:17 UTC
Helga looked up suddenly as she heard the voice. "Oh, hello Poppy! So nice to see you around even after you graduated!" And of course, she meant it. It was sad to think that just because her friends had graduated that she wouldn't be able to see them ever--or often.

She patted the deck of cards and grinned. "Yes, I am! Would you like to help me practice?" She held out the deck towards the older girl.


fair_raven_claw September 12 2011, 23:44:33 UTC
The dark haired ravenclaw was walking along the shore of the great lake, her nose buried in a copy of Hogwarts: A History. She'd read the book at least twenty times over by now but she still loved to read it.

She had just finished reading the eleventh chapter when she decided to look up to give her eyes a break. Rowena was delighted to see her good friend Helga nearby, playing with some cards.

Upon closer inspection as she neared the redhead, she noticed the book her friend had open. "Hello Helga. Are you working on Divination homework?" She asked inquisitively.


blessed_broc September 16 2011, 15:41:54 UTC
Helga was humming to herself as she shuffled the cards idly. When she heard her name being called, she turned to find Rowena standing a few feet away and smiled. "I am! We're working on fortune telling with cards." She held up the worn deck. "Would you like to help me practice?"


fair_raven_claw September 21 2011, 05:39:30 UTC
She smiled happily. "Of course!" She crossed the distance between them rather quickly and took a seat on the ground in front of the hufflepuff. She put her legs to the side, not wanting to worry about her skirt too much. Rowena placed an old, worn bookmark in the book before closing it to give Helga her full attention. "Let's see what the fates have in store for me."


blessed_broc September 26 2011, 17:20:18 UTC
She grinned, and started to shuffle the cards with a bit more determination. After cutting the deck and shuffling a bit more, Helga laid out the cards in the grass between them. "Hmm..." she said with a small frown. "This reading doesn't look all that pleasant..." With a sigh, she pointed to the card in the middle of the reading, the Queen of Spades.

"This one will indicate you, as it was the first card to be laid down and normally represents a dark-haired woman! To the left, the four of clubs represents changes for the worst and lies, then the nine of spades is bad luck in all things!" Helga's frown deepened as she glared accusingly at the cards. "And now, on the other side of the Queen of Spades, is the seven of hearts, which is broken promises or an unfaithful person. Here at the end, though, is the King of Hearts." She tapped that card. "I'm not too sure if this means that, if you go down the path that contains an unfaithful person that the person in question will be the one this card represents, or if after the unfaithful ( ... )


lovely_red_lily September 18 2011, 15:57:11 UTC
It had seemed much to Lily that everything was sort of crawling forward, without much else going on about her. Oh, sure, there was plenty going on in the school, and she knew too many people to not be aware of every hiccup (of which there seemed to be many). The point was, however, that Lily herself had felt very detached from the whole of the situation.

Even if her social life was a bit dull at the moment, she couldn't deny one fact; she went to one of the most beautiful schools in the world. Sure, there was a lot of hullabaloo over gossip, and suspicious activity happening around her, but all it took to cheer her up was a walk around the grounds.

She pulled her hair up out of the way, and into a ponytail as she walked, eyes to the ground. When lifting her head next, Lily smiled at the sight Helga presented, making her way closer.
"'Lo, there!" she called, taking in the sight, "Last minute homework?"


blessed_broc September 18 2011, 19:04:08 UTC
Speaking of hiccups, Helga was dismayed to find that she had contracted a slight case of them after a little event concerning an attempt at drinking tea shortly before she found a bug of some sort crawling over her ankle. It lead to a startled squeak, swallowing the tea the wrong way, and several coughs. And then, of course, hiccups.

"Oh - hic - dear," she muttered, trying to return to shuffling the cards. But at the next hiccup, several cards jittered from her hands and fell scattered about her. "Okay, this doesn't count."

Just as the red-head started to gather up her cards once again, she heard footsteps and saw Lily coming over. "It's always list minute homework around here," Helga said with a laugh (and then another hiccup). "Well this is mostly just practice."


lovely_red_lily September 19 2011, 23:32:45 UTC
Concern all over her face, she knelt, helping to gather the cards before they decided to blow away. Passing the cards back to their owners, she sent a helpful look with them.
"I know a few of the muggle remedies for hiccups, if you wants to give them a try. Sometimes they work. Mostly, they're just for show." Lily laughed, settling on the grass.

She peered at the cards, admitting softly, "I was rubbish at tarot when my class covered it. How do you do it?"


blessed_broc September 26 2011, 17:23:42 UTC
"I'll be willing to - hic - try!" Helga said, her cheeks going a bit warm with embarrassment. It was hard to hold a conversation when one couldn't speak without hiccuping! She held her breath for a moment, hoping to steady it before continuing.

"I always thought you had to have a good feel for the cards themselves! While these are just playing cards, I know that for tarot you need to understand the deck as a whole." Helga started to shuffle them again, mostly to put her hands to work. "One of the ladies back home reads tarot and palms and stuff like that. She helped me with my summer homework for Divination." Helga offered Lily a grin... and then hiccuped again.


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