One of the most important upgrades at the bowling alley was to replace the worn-out pins and bands on the lanes. This, our customers told us, was more important that resurfacing the lanes, or anything else. So over the last two weeks, we've replaced the pin-sets on five of the six lanes. The sixth lane remains out-of-order, as I have yet
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Comments 9
As for wild and wooly - yes, as a matter of fact they can be! The strings are fairly heavy-duty woven nylon, but they do start to fray after a while, and the result is a very fuzzy string. Eventually, the string needs to be replaced, but thankfully we haven't had to do that yet. What all of the machines need now is a really thorough cleaning. Unfortunately, I think they'll have to settle for a lube-job for now, and I'll deal with the cleaning when I can get to it. I'm not even entirely sure how to clean them; Compressed air, perhaps?
Compressed air, or possibly a vacuum cleaner with appropriate fittings would seem safe for most things unless grease is a problem.
Pins themselves require replacement at regular intervals, don't they? I seem to recall that they lose their resilience and don't bounce properly when hit by a ball.
The pins have a life-expectancy of about three years. In 5-pin, there are rubber rings around the pins which need to be replaced roughly on an annual basis. After time though, the groove in the pins starts to wear out and it can't hold the rings in place anymore. This was the problem we were having (as well as purely cosmetic); after two hits, the rings would come off the pins and you've have to go back, shut the machine down, crawl into it and retrieve the ring, try to get it back onto the pin, etc. New Pins + New Rings = No More Crawling Into The Machine = Happy Owners + Happy Customers. :)
Unfortunately, the previous owner let a lot of things slide, so we've been playing catch-up for quite a while. We open to full regular hours again tomorrow, so here's hoping things start picking up again! :)
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