Those wind-farms seem to be a good deal for you. Pretty much a loss of a small amount of area, for a steady gain of cash.. only thing I'd be worried about would be noise level if they're close to the house.
I've heard that they can be a bit noisey, but I've never been close enough to one to actually hear it. Trixstir has, but she says it's not that bad of a sound. I'd think it would be something that you'd eventually get used to, and tune out. Most likely you'd be more aware of it if it suddenly stopped making noise... %)
You might want to find out what kind of noise they do put out - an average level, and you may want to find some wind turbines to hang out around for awhile. I've heard some of them before, the generators themselves can make a constant, high-pitched whine.. and the blades sometimes make a noise that wavers up and down doppler-style as the blades pass the upright. It's hard to tune out a noise that isn't fairly steady. There are folks that have entered into these agreements and then highly regretted it. :/
Comments 3
Those wind-farms seem to be a good deal for you. Pretty much a loss of a small amount of area, for a steady gain of cash.. only thing I'd be worried about would be noise level if they're close to the house.
There are folks that have entered into these agreements and then highly regretted it. :/
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