Title: Burned and Doused
Rating: PG-13 (language, sexual references)
Genre: (unapologetic) Fluff, romance, humor
Characters/Pairings: Lily/James, Marauder-era crew,
Spoilers: Pre-series, so none, really.
Summary: Boy likes girl, girl likes boy. Near-death experiences and sarcasm ensue.
Notes: No beta, except myself. Cross posted. Prompt "new every
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Comments 12
Plus, I LOVED Sirius in this fic. Sekrit gay luvahs for the win! He's always so awesome. XD
So then I decided dismantle the characters JK created and try to make them as human as I can get, lame jokes and and all. =)
All in all, I'm really glad you liked it and gave my L/J a shot, because honestly? You're such a talented writer it's gratifying to know that you enjoyed it. *happy dance*
(Secret: Sirius in this fic is halfway based on Jack Sparrow. Because I'm that mature, haha. And teh gay writes itself! It does!)
And I'm with you on JKR and making Lily all too perfect. Honestly, Jo Rowling writes some fantastic and very human female characters (Luna, for one!) but something about sassy red-heads apparently makes her go overboard with the canon Mary Sue-ness. ::sigh:: Maybe she's got an affinity herself for the color?
Yay, Luna is one of the most imperfectly perfect characters in children's fiction and if I were younger, she'd probably be my hero. And I love Hermione as a character as well because she's not a (complete) Mary Sue either. But redheads! Between Ginny (in the later books, at least) and Lily, fanfic writers have their work cut out for them dismantling the overdone perfection.
Oh wait. Then Lily would be left out.
Oh well. This fic is amazing. It's so freakin' CUTE!
I'm sure Lily wouldn't mind too much...maybe...
Thanks for the compliments! I wrote this fic back in 2006 or so originally, so it's nice to see that it aged well, lol. =)
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