So it seems there is a large gap in my horse-health knowledge where stomach ulcers are concerned. I've just never encountered them! But started reading up about them, and have realized that a few horses I've worked with may have had ulcers or been at risk of them, including my own!
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I also give him beet pulp, more of a digestive helper than anything else.
That being said, UGuard/GastroGuard is the only thing I know of that actually TREATS them. I tried three different herbal supplements that did absolutely nothing for my horse. Others may have had other experiences, but my gelding only responded to the expensive stuff =/ He is SO MUCH happier without ulcers though, so it's a win/win/win.
Other products that help:
Mylanta, or generic versions of that (again, high calcium neutralizes stomach acid)
Aloe vera juice
These things will not cure or heal existing ulcers. To do that, you need to treat them with gastrogard or another similar product.
Another option is this:
This product has gotten rave reviews on Chronicle of the Horse. Search their forums for "blue pop rocks" to read the reviews. Treatment is going to run you about $300 for this stuff, instead of $1200 for GastroGard.
I have no idea if there's ANY grain of truth to that, and my biology degree is kinda going 'warning! bullshit!" but since I have heard it elsewhere, I could see why someone might suggest it for horses too.
U-Guard is essentially pepto bismuth. It has kaolin, calcium, and magnesium. Kaolin is the main ingredient in Kaopectate. It's significantly cheaper and can be added to a horse's regular supplement routine as both a preventative and soother. The pink powder gets all over everything and everywhere.
If your horse has ulcers, he should be treated by a vet. However, U-Guard is a great, affordable, and easy way to add a preventative to his diet. If you take him anywhere, ship him, or something highly stressful is coming up, you might want to consider a dose or two of UlcerGuard
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