I third craigslist. Tiny inexpensive barns aren't going to to have websites. And it's the easist way for someone to advertise extra pasture space on their property. Good luck!
I would also agree to check with tiny "back yard" type barns. Two friends here in VA are using barns like that in order to keep costs down on their horses (board in Northern VA is outrageous.. even self-care!) and it works out really well. One has an arena and trails, while another just has a big open field to ride in, with some jumps thrown out there. It works really well for both of them. Good luck!
That's what I do! Northern VA ftw. The prices here are completely outrageous.
My barn is 20-25 min from my house, no ring but a field to ride in and plenty of trails, and the only other horses are the BO's pony and two mini donkeys. It's perfect for my two - a retiree and a mare I don't know what I'm doing with yet. And it's like a 1-8th of the price of normal board here (though I do supply my own feed and hay). I found it by trolling craigslist! Really, just by diligently searching. There is a pretty high turn over rate for ads on there, so it's good to check back often. Obviously, if it sounds like a scam, it probably is. I've found roommates, furniture, people to buy furniture, and various other things on Craigslist. It's fine, as long as you have some common sense!
I would suggest making a post on the Chronicle of the Horse forums. It has a huge readership and if you put a descriptive title ("Pasture board in Denver, CO?" in the subject line you will likely get several responses.
I'm actually doing the same ATM. My mares on stall rest because of a bow tendon but once she's okayed for pasture turn out I'm looking to find a retirement place for her - basically field boarding with a run in and I can just plunk around bareback on her at a walk when I feel sad about not being able to ride.
I wish you luck! Unfortunately, I'm in OH so the few things I've found haven't provided much in terms of results but I'm keeping an eye on this thread for ideas on places to look.
Comments 20
My barn is 20-25 min from my house, no ring but a field to ride in and plenty of trails, and the only other horses are the BO's pony and two mini donkeys. It's perfect for my two - a retiree and a mare I don't know what I'm doing with yet. And it's like a 1-8th of the price of normal board here (though I do supply my own feed and hay). I found it by trolling craigslist! Really, just by diligently searching. There is a pretty high turn over rate for ads on there, so it's good to check back often. Obviously, if it sounds like a scam, it probably is. I've found roommates, furniture, people to buy furniture, and various other things on Craigslist. It's fine, as long as you have some common sense!
I wish you luck! Unfortunately, I'm in OH so the few things I've found haven't provided much in terms of results but I'm keeping an eye on this thread for ideas on places to look.
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