It seems I can't get the type of bit I want (Rugby pelham) with a rubber mouth piece where I live (Australia). I've heard you can get them in the UK but after searching various online UK tackstores to so far no avail, I was thinking getting one made up might be an option if I can't get hold of one.
if you can find the regular pelham, you can wrap latex over the bit to give it that "rubber" effect. can you explain/picture what a rugby pelham looks like, maybe there's another bit that's the same but has a different name
Rugby pelhams are slightly different from normal pelhams in that they have an extra ring on the side, so that they can be used with a bridoon strap to give the appearance of a double bridle. They're used in the show ring over here and in the UK in place of double bridles for a) ponies with really tiny mouths and b) horses who simply don't like alot of metal in their mouth.
Dunno if the shipping would be prohibitive, but a quick e-bay search yielded a lot of results, I bet you could find the size you want, and you'd probably just have to use bit wrap to make it rubbery.
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