Being Told Off

Mar 31, 2008 21:10

I have a huge rant here, so if you are not interested in an adventure in THE STUPID, please ignore.
(prob tl;dr for most)

so anyone who knows me, also knows that i have quite a sensitive redheaded soul, beejay. beejay and i have had quite a year and faced a number of fears. i am currently SUPER impressed with how he's progressing.

Today, now that we're back to winter time (or REAL TIME as i call it, i spit all over the daylight savings trial) and it was raining, i decided to take my horse for a jaunt down the street on the lead. a) couldn't be fucked riding b) dark & cold and c) meh.

aforementioned sensitive redhead was fine (he has been known to have complete meltdowns and visits to beejyland on previous jaunts around the countryside). we were BACK from our walk and turning into our driveway when he got a bit antsy about a big VROOM VROOM car coming towards us. this set off a bit of a chain reaction that involved QUITE A LOT of discussion between us about the most appropriate course of action when things go VROOM VROOM up our butts. we were IN OUR DRIVEWAY at this stage. keep in mind, my horse also lives on a CUL DE SAC in a very large HORSE AREA. Each property is about 10acres with varying numbers of horses. there are TWO boarding properties on the road, including the one where i've been for the last 4years. every single property on the street, except for one, has horses. this property will be mentioned later.

so. after sensitive redhead had decided he could do what mummy said, another gust of wind 100miles away got up his butt, so further discussion ensued.
enter small white sedan. it turned into the driveway OPPOSITE ours. keep in mind, my horse was still on our property and NOT on the road.
whilst continuing the discussion with sensitive redhead, the driver of the car got out to open the gate to their property. within seconds, what should i hear but a mad barking and growling and my horse violently skits sideways away from CHARGING LARGE BLONDE DOG (lab? retriever? who knows) who is a massive ball of blondeness and teeth heading my way.

fortunately, dog came to it's senses within a few metres of me and realised that either a) i was human b) my horse is about 10x it's size or c) it understood it's owner calling it.


dog got undercontrol & owner was very apologetic. i said, "that's okay" and continued with talking to my horse.

sensitive redhead decided it was all too much and was starting to shut down a la visiting beejyland, so i resorted to some very big energy and phase 23423 (yes, i do parelli), which resulted in some quick and fancy footwork, backwards, across the road (the empty CUL DE SAC, mind you). the discussion continued and in my periphery i heard/saw ANOTHER person (assume it's the mother of the dog owner/person in white car) and it wasn't until the discussion had ended and my horse was licking & chewing with his nose on the ground and his ears flopping, that i realised that she was yelling at ME!!@#!@#$

there was about 30seconds in front of that that i missed because "HELLO??? I WASN'T AWARE YOU WERE YELLING AT ME."

i yelled back, utterly incredulous, "WHAT?" but got no response.

i was so fucking shocked and appalled & that 'selling' comment bit very close to home that i actually just bent over and started crying randomly on the road (meanwhile, no other cars in the vicinity... )
bending over is sort of a cue for my horse to come up & check me out, so he comes up & starts nuzzling, totally contrite because some bitch just suggested selling him.

can't believe how mad & upset this made me, especially after having such a GREAT horsey weekend. it's sort of spoilt all the good stuff that happened this weekend.

i wanted to march over there and give her some What For, but my friend counselled that it wouldn't be very productive. in retrospect, i'm thinking she started yelling to get in control again after her daughter's dog charged us. still, no excuse.

hehe, she and her husband go walking along the road regularly and he ALWAYS has his shirt off. come on, he's at LEAST 45... "THIS IS A PUBLIC ROAD YOU KNOW."

rant, sharing the road, stupid people, spooking

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