Didn't Dash and Pinkie already agree back in the season one episode with Hilda the griffin that there was no point planking Fluttershy as it was too easy and not fair as she got scared and didn't enjoy it? I know someone once said they didn't want a specific timeline for events so they could be watched in any order but I think we can at least say anything before twilight becoming a princess happened before and anything after, well, after. So this lesson seems a bit....late, and pointless, and out of character. Dash has always been understanding of Fluttershy, even if she gets frustrated with her lack of flying ability and her being a scaredy.
The whole town working together to prank her back was funny, and I knew something was up at several points, but I woulda preferred the episode have kicked off with Dash pranking someone other than Fluttershy.
Comments 6
"That wasn't funny!" indeed.
Really? A whoopee cushion?
Filly scouts! So cyoot!
Ooh, new Celestia meme ahoy!
Ugh, so Dash can't take a hint....noow I see where the episode is going...
Ha! The bear's thinking what we're all thinking!!
Pound and Pumpkin cake! Haven't seen those two adorable things in a while!
NOW she gets it...
....or not...
Everypony discuss!
I don't know if it was a nudge to the episode or what, but I, too, found that to be a nitpick of mine as well.
But, I gotta admit, Dr. Hooves with his rainbow colored mouth ticked me for no apparent reason... <3
A thousand times THIS.
I am so many episodes behind! I really enjoyed this episode...usually I don't laugh so much.
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