Lost Favorite Screencaps Picpsam

Sep 27, 2010 16:59

Season One . Pilot Pt 1 & 2

CHARLIE: Guys... where are we?

Season Two . Orientation

LOCKE: I can't do this alone, Jack... I don't want to.

Season Three . Tricia Tanaka Is Dead

HURLEY: Look, I don't know about you, but things have really sucked for me lately, and I could really use a victory. So let's get one, dude! Let's get this car started. Let's look death in the face and say: "Whatever, man!"

Season Four . The Constant

DANIEL: All this, see all this is all variables. It's random; it's chaotic. Every equation needs stability, something known. It's called a "constant." Desmond, you have no constant. When you go to the future nothing there is familiar. So if you want to stop this, then you need to find something there, something that you really, really care about, something that also exists back here in 1996.
DESMOND: This constant, can it be a person?

Season Five . Jughead

SAWYER: I hate to bust up the "I'm an Other, you're an Other" reunion, but Faraday - the guy that's actually gonna save us - is being death marched into the jungle right now.

Season Six . Ab Aeterno

JACOB: Imagine that this wine is what you keep calling hell. There are other names for it. Malevolence. Evil. Darkness. And it's all down here swirling at the bottom. Unable to get out, because if it did it would spread. Now, the cork is this Island. [Puts a cork in the jug, trapping the wine] And it's the only thing keeping the darkness where it belongs.

For the scifiland big bang challenge.

fanwork: picspam, year: 2010, tv: lost, comm: scifiland

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