Posted on Aug. 1st. Wireless in hickville was actually password-protected.

Jul 29, 2005 23:55

I'm currently in Tiverton, a rural town on some lake in a really rad old house that my family down the line owns. The drive out here was interesting. Moved through much of Toronto and I'm stuck by a) how many advertisements there were on the road, that big debate about the televisions on Calgary Trail is fucking bullshit compared to the potential legal issues present on the 401. Good thing the whole fiasco is bullshit to begin with. And b) the presence of old architecture right next to the state of the art. In edmonton shit isn't very old (a century tops) and most of that gets knocked down to make the next condo complex. In Toronto there's shit from every time period, makes me happy simply from a filmmaking point of view as it could fit a great many locations. Drove out to a lil town named St. Cathrine to pick up my cousin from Squash Camp. This "Raquet Sport Club" was very very sad. Something the National Lampoon guys should be lampooning. Tanned wrinkly old people justifying their existence with a sport. Suspiciously like golf this seems, only WAY more pathetic. The Ontario country side is really nice, towns fucking EVERYWHERE. And they all have great old buildings that look bitchin. Only issue, the highways run through the center of town which are one lane each way and there are traffic lights. On a HIGHway. Interesting, and sloooooow.

Get here and am immediatly put to work helping complete a puzzle. L4ME. Funny how I was still doing it 2 hours later and getting really fucking excited at finding my tenth piece that fit. This was with my aunt and uncle's two kids, aka my cousins, and two other girls who i believe are my cousins-in-law but I'm really unsure of the accuracy of that. Speaking of accuracy their names are Sara(h)? and Idon'tknowwhat. Have spent the most time with the former, she's bat-shit crazy and pretty awesome. Not to mention one of those thin-as-a-twig, glasses, and long curly hair type girls so she's some kind of adorable.

I'll be out here all weekend and I intend to finish reading Good Omens and get a lot of stuff written. I still keep thinking I should be a writer, but it's a really hard existence and it doesn't have enough fame attached to it in my opinion, unless of course you're writing and directing your own shit. I should do some work on my portfolio this weekend, but I'll wait until next week.

I wrote an entire treatment for a film that would be my big homage to Leon. It's actually pretty cheap, but I doubt it's cheap enough. Maybe 10 million. I'm still extremely unsure of the budget for my zombie flick but I'm thinkin it's into some similar range. I really gotta get an idea that's under a million. What I really need to do is watch Killing Zoe, a film I've heard so much about and still have never seen. Apparently it's thee lesson on how to do a film with no money.

I have a tiny vision of putting spare money into an HDV camera and some audio equipment and conning people into acting and just shooting every weekend and trying different things and seeing what happened. Would be an interesting way to build up some demo reel and some green screen experience.

Anyways I'm rambing, night.
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