Okay, I have a confession to make. I have not filled out a single Johari/Nohari form for anyone. Nobody. Partly this is because my online time is limited, and I tend to take a "open my flist, open anything interesting in tabs to read offline, take my computer home to read" approach. Partly, though, it's because I feel like if I know you well
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Comments 16
1. What do you think of me? Honesty, please - "I have no idea who you are" is a welcome answer. ;)
2. When I think of you the first thing that comes to mind is food. Heartstoppingly delicious food, to be precise. You bring out the food fetishist in me, the part that thinks wasabi chocolate is better than sex. I have never actually eaten your cooking, but I am sure it is fantastic - the passionate way you talk about food as an act of creation is all the proof I need.
That said, I really enjoy reading your jounral because you're both mature and thought-provoking. Strangely, I prefer the snippets of your "real life" to anything fandom you comment on. You seem like quite a nice person, and I remember I used to think you were hilarious and intelligent when I saw you around nraged.
3. I still think your collab with Switch was one of the hottest things either of you had ever done. I do love your writing dearly, in all its fragmented, rhythmic, poetical ( ... )
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