It's not so much my personal feelings toward Michael as it is the implication that the writers, despite everything they've said, can't make their own creative decisions to save their own lives.
See why I can never be emotionally invested in this show, sure, I've been burned in the past and swore that off anyway, but this is a prime example of why I'm glad I'm not.
Okay, ignoring the ewww!MRB factor for the moment, I'm not surprised about Walt and Ji Yeon. Especially Walt, since he seems to have stayed there in spirit- (taller-ghost-?) form anyway. Walt is an Oceanic 815 survivor, and Ji Yeon was conceived on the island, so that makes Lostsense. (I just invented a new word, see?)
Who in the HHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL (that's a special kind of hell for MORONS) would want Michael back? Yes, he managed to achieve a small measure of redemption, but he's a loose cannon where Walt's concerned and I wouldn't trust him to behave sanely on the same PLANET as that boy. (Also, I just don't like him.) Let's hope the focus group....
WAIT, FOCUS GROUP??? I thought they WEREN'T making it up as they go along?????
Comments 20
See why I can never be emotionally invested in this show, sure, I've been burned in the past and swore that off anyway, but this is a prime example of why I'm glad I'm not.
Who in the HHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL (that's a special kind of hell for MORONS) would want Michael back? Yes, he managed to achieve a small measure of redemption, but he's a loose cannon where Walt's concerned and I wouldn't trust him to behave sanely on the same PLANET as that boy. (Also, I just don't like him.) Let's hope the focus group....
WAIT, FOCUS GROUP??? I thought they WEREN'T making it up as they go along?????
I am so disillusioned.
No. Just no.
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