Poem: Alice

Jul 20, 2009 00:17

Title: Alice
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Alice, Jack


When she is born, her face is a gateway, with
  stars, and balloons, and explosions in her infinite expanded pupil--
he tries not to see the others in there
    when they hand her over, a dirty potato, a vernixed waxy thing-
mewling and needy, hands already greed-greedy.

She is tiny and wrinkled, an anti-aging slug rolling backwards and forwards
    at the same time, backwards and forwards in his lap.
A propelled thing that binds him here, sticky, sweet,
she pulls at him like walking through cobwebs.

When he walks with her, three-years-old, fat and babbling,
cheeks like plums,
she pries away at the corner, yanks at his seams, and he loses her
little mitten hand when she runs on.

He's happy, ever so light-stomached when she plows ahead
    and disappears into a mangle of children.


poetry, alice, torchwood, jack

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