Round 15 Themes!

May 09, 2017 13:35

* Icons created must be your own creations and new/created specifically for the current round.
* Icons must fit LJ standards (under 40kb, 100x100 pixels and either .png, .gif, or .jpg file format).
* Make sure to post your icons to this journal, or your own (and link us to your PUBLIC journal) before voting goes up otherwise you will be ineligible to join the voting.
* Do not post your icons to this post, please create a new post.
* When posting to the community, please use 3 icon teasers and then either a lj-cut or link to your own journal.
*all entries are moderated & don't worry about adding your claim tags*
* Make sure to tag your post using the appropriate claim and user tag if they already exist. A mod will create new tags for you if needed.
*** When posting to the community, please make sure to put "Round 15: Your Claim" as the subject line.
* Sign-ups will be open through the entire round HERE.
* Deadline is May 29th, 2017 at midnight in your own timezone.

10 themes:
blur, looking away, outfit, negative space, full body
monochrome + quote, complex, trio, pink, second claim
(examples and description below)

Blur - some part of your icon should be blurry / have a blur effect

deternot | neatmonster | wellhalesbells

Looking Away - the subject(s) of your icon should be looking away from the camera

sietepecados | starry_night | bad_numbers

Outfit - icon a character wearing a special outfit from your episode. This could be a time piece, costume, or just a favorite outfit

Negative Space - there should be empty space around the subject(s) of your icon

naginis | tinnny | neatmonster

Full Body - the subject(s) of your icon should be visible from head to toe

benchable |
thenightvale |

Monochrome + Quote - Your icon should be monochrome in color and include a quote from your episode
(definition of monochrome: Monochrome describes paintings, drawings, design, or photographs in one color or values of one color.)

crazycordy | starkwars | bad_numbers

Complex - create an icon that is complex (for you)

starkwars | sietepecados | kitamikeita

Trio - your icon should include 3 people/subjects

Pink - pink should be the dominant color of your icon

Second Claim - icon something from your second choice claim (second choice when you signed up)

5 Category may flowers
April showers bring May flowers... create 5 icons for May that have flowers in them... this can be from textures, brushes, etc

shameless666 | jsfunction | teald

5 Artist's Choice free

Feel free to use the table template below to post your icons, or you can use your own :)

blurlooking awayoutfitnegative spacefull body
monochrome + quotecomplextriopinksecond claim
cat 1cat 2cat 3cat 4cat 5
ac 1ac 2ac 3ac 4ac 5

!themes, round: 15

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