idk some song lyric or something im tired

Sep 09, 2014 22:15

ok im really tired and lazy right now so i grabbed an easy thing from the google doc for this endeavor to answer

tell us about a celebrity encounter.well, my friends, i've had A LOT. i don't want that to sound braggy, but i've been around a lot of famous people. mostly because i've worked with/around them. BUT there are a few people i have gone ( Read more... )

30 days of blogging

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Comments 4

thethingiswhat September 10 2014, 06:19:18 UTC
Aww your Lee Pace encounter. <3

Jealous you got to meet Bryan Fuller too. Every account I've heard from people who have met him say he's the nicest guy.

Most of my celeb encounters have all been with AI contestants lol. But those can be cool too. I would love to meet RDJ or Chris Evans but I have the feeling that will never happen. My life goal is to meet Nick Collison (he's a basketball player) and he spends the off season in Seattle and lives in the community I work in but I've never ran into him. So sad.


episkeyit September 11 2014, 06:07:48 UTC
it's still my favorite thing

he was!! he was really funny and such a treat to listen to while he talked and then afterwards he was just so kind and like genuinely excited to meet his fans and stuff. like i needed to love him more.

well i've never met a single idol contestant so! that's cool!! i'll hook you up with evans or rdj if i ever get the opportunity. i'm sad you never run into your bball guy. maybe soon!!


darlingdivine September 10 2014, 06:46:05 UTC
Your Lee Pace moment is one of my favourite celebrity encounters, for sure, haha :)


episkeyit September 11 2014, 06:08:12 UTC


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