Info & Rules

Jul 06, 2010 17:38

Welcome to the new community dedicated to the female characters from Harry Potter's Epilogue and Next Generation. More specifically: This community is for fans of Victoire, Dominique, Molly II, Lucy, Roxanne, Rose and Lily, as well as Astoria and Audrey, who also made their first appearance in the epilogue or were mentioned by Rowling in interviews.

:: RULES ::

  1. All post must be related to at least one of the characters mentioned above.
  2. You may post the following: Fanfiction, fanart, icons or other graphics, picspams, discussions, fic searches.
  3. Community or fest advertising is allowed, as long as it's specifically about one of the above characters.
  4. No RP advertisements, unless you're specifically looking for one of the above characters.
  5. Please title your posts - it makes it easier for everyone.
  6. Please tag your entries with the available tags. If a tag is not available, you may request it, or one of the mods will add it to your post.
  7. When posting fanfiction, fanart or graphics, you may post them directly to the comm, or link to the post on your journal. If you post it to the comm, please use an LJ-cut. If you don't know how, check the LJ FAQ.
  8. When you post fanfiction, please use a header similar to this one:
    Word Count:
  9. When you post fanart, you may use a preview which should have a maximum size of 400x200px. Please use a header similar to this one:
  10. When you post icons, please only show 3 teaser icons and put the rest behind an LJ-cut or link to the post on your journal/community.
  11. Be respectful. If you don't like a character/pairing/kink, keep it to yourself. Constructive criticism is allowed but if you take your frustration out on another member and we hear about it, you'll get banned.
  12. No wank whatsoever.
  13. These rules may change at any time.

mod: rules

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