Changes to settings and policies at Epic Proportions

Sep 10, 2010 20:27

Hello everyone -

Over the past week, the moderators at Epicproportion have been watching the changes at Live Journal with some concern. We’ve heard from many of you who are concerned as well and have been discussing what to do.

While we have clearly stated our policy that no entry at Epicproportion should be cross-posted without the permission of the author, we do feel we need to take additional steps to make the community as secure for our members as possible.

Moving the community is not an option at this time. Our account at Live Journal is paid through March 2011. In addition, communities cannot be copied directly to Dreamwidth (the service your moderators are considering moving to on a more permanent basis). We would need to move manually nearly 3700 entries. You can imagine what that would entail.

We will continue to monitor the situation and research options. If you have suggestions - including alternative sites we can consider after our account expires on Live Journal and/or expedited ways to move the community, please let us know.

In the interim, we are making some changes to help enhance the security of our members.

1. Epicproportion has always been a members-only, moderated community for posting. Effective September 20, 2010, we will move to members only for viewing and commenting. This setting means that, even if a post to our community is shared, it cannot be viewed by a non-member. If you are not a member of the community, but are watching it or otherwise viewing it, you will need to join the community to continue to see the entries posted here. You can request membership by clicking ‘join this community’ at the top of the page.

2. In terms of comments, we have debated turning off the comment function and decided against it. We want to leave as much control as possible in the hands of our authors. As an author, you are free to turn off the comment function at Epicproportion (click ‘disable’ in ‘Allow Comments’ when posting). You can then link to the story or chapter wherever you post it.

3. That brings us to the last major change. While historically, we have been a community for fic posted on Live Journal, we’ve never said that author’s cannot post to other sites and link to the community. For the sake of clarity, an author at Epicproportion may post at any site of their choosing (Live Journal,, Dreamwidth, An Archive of Our Own, or other public or private site) and link to a post at Epicproportion.

We will be updating the FAQs to reflect these changes.

Thank you for your patience as we work through these changes. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please Whack-A-Mod (albeit softly as we all have Live Journal induced headaches).

The Mods


announcement, mod post

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