Title: Tandem Parachute Author: Vamphile Pairing: Parker/Eliot Rating: PG Word Count: 450 +/- Summary Prompt = “Leverage, Eliot, he dreams of wanting to retire someday but never dreamed of anyone being there with him”
Re: Love this storyepicallytiredMarch 6 2013, 01:50:18 UTC
my muse took some kind of dirt nap a couple years ago. haven't been able to write a word. But thank you for reminding me about these. I know canon is Parker and Hardison, but I while i think Hardison is awesome, i just don't think he has the ability to handle the crazy that is parker. but that's just me.
see, i can't even type well anymore let alone write :P
Comments 15
Well done.
see, i can't even type well anymore let alone write :P
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