Other Things the Road to Hell is Paved With (9/17)

Dec 02, 2007 10:59

Title: Other Things the Road to Hell is Paved With
Pairing: Spike/Dru (sorta), Spike/Buffy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: torture, rape, and other unpleasant things... but it's just the first few chapters
Summary: The third part of my alternate season six. Spike is taken prisoner by a vampire gang, and held captive by someone he never expected to see again. ( Read more... )

fic: other things

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Comments 8

0xstupidcupidx0 December 2 2007, 19:00:24 UTC
Another superb chapter =) Can't wait to see what happens next! x


eowyn_315 December 4 2007, 05:07:18 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!


basilio_the_cat December 3 2007, 17:00:56 UTC
Well done :)


eowyn_315 December 4 2007, 05:07:43 UTC
Thank you!


deird1 December 13 2007, 00:29:41 UTC
He and Spike looked at each other in surprise, as if contemplating a male bonding moment, but quickly rejected the idea and resumed their usual aloofness.

This made me giggle...


eowyn_315 December 13 2007, 21:11:45 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it.


brunettepet December 29 2007, 17:21:04 UTC
I love how mundane money problems are just as terrifying as a demon that can cause you to commit suicide. The Spike/Dawn bonding was wonderful, and the image of them stabbing each others with markers was delightful. The loving relationship between them is a joy to read.


eowyn_315 December 30 2007, 00:56:08 UTC
Buffy's always been able to handle the demons... it's the everyday things that are hard. Glad you're enjoying it!


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