I'm up to episode 2.18 now. I'll be in New York this weekend, so no time to watch TV, which means the rest of this season will have to wait until next week. :( But here's some thoughts to ponder until then.
Yay you got to Ben! It sucks that you've been spoiled, since he was GREAT as Henry (I remember being SO tense about whether or not he was ever), but Ben (at least at his best) is seriously one of the better villains of all time. So good with the creepy/manipulative/awesome.
“They’re all dead,” “Mass hallucination,” “Psychological experiment gone wrong,” and “God the Universe the Island did it”
One day, you're going to look back on this list and find it amusing. That's all I have to say about it.
You know, even if I hadn't been spoiled, I think I would've concluded Henry was one of the Others. It's the beady eyes, he just exudes creeper vibes. (Also, am I crazy, or do you see the resemblance?)
LOL! I admit, half the reason I made that list was so I could be amused later. :)
Lol forever at that comparison. I do see it, a little!
But yeah, Ben/Henry (or Benry, as a lot of fandom called him for about half a season) has some serious crazy eyes going on. Michael Emerson is super great at exuding a strong "I'm completely crazy and just might stab you in the face if you say the wrong thing" vibe, while still seeming completely in control *loves Ben*
(Also, yeah, the Henry Gale was a super-intentional reference. Lots of people had theories about it at the time. But then, people had theories about everything).
I was really annoyed at "Dave," too, but at least they mostly seem to forget about the "Hurley has a PROBLEM" aspect of the episode in later seasons...
The thing that got me is that earlier, when Charlie (I think) accused Hurley of hoarding stuff, Hurley was all offended - "Fat guy hoarding the food, is that what you think?" And I was like, "Oh yay! They are calling out stereotypes."
But no. No, it actually IS the fat guy hoarding the food. *sigh* No points, Show.
I bet the Others are jealous, since, if Locke is right and the island did bring them there for a purpose, it means the island got tired of its current inhabitants and went to find some new friends. Sorry, losers, you just got dissed.
Bwha! Y'know, the more you know Benry, the more this actually seems true.
Henry Gale who arrived in a hot air balloon? Is that a Wizard of Oz reference?
Unfortunately, this is one of those times when spoilers actually spoil, since I recognized Michael Emerson, so I know that dude’s Ben and I know he’s one of the Others, so this whole conflict that’s happening doesn’t have a lot of tension for me.
Aw. That's a shame because watching him play that evil, evil line of "Is he serious? Is he lying?" really worked. He's an amazing weasel. :)
OMG TREE FROG! :( :( :( :(
I know, right? I told you! I don't think I ever hated Sawyer more than when he killed a tree frog. Not cool, dude. Not cool.
And I suppose this means we can add “It’s all in Hurley’s head” to the list of explanations for
( ... )
Haha, I think, if I liked Sawyer, it wouldn't make me dislike him, but since he was already on my shit list, it definitely didn't help.
I figured I might as well throw some theories out there, so I can brag if I get it right. If not, at least it'll be funny to look back on it when I'm done. :)
Sigh. I remember back in the day, when we called him Benry. Good times.
FYI, I got the season 6 DVDs and cried during all the 'making of' documentaries. I loved this show that much.
Don't know how many times I'll say "Sawyer gets better" until I'll have to resign myself to your not liking him. If Judy Blume didn't make you like him, I don't know what will. Sigh. It's a late season love affair? You can't argue with loving the late seasons, since our little corner of Buffydom is all about the late seasons, so let yourself rage about the tree frog (TREE FROG!) but be over it by season 5. Season 5 is the Season of Sawyer (and a few other characters who come along and are AWESOME.)
Soooo… “Dave” is basically “Normal Again” with a little bonus fat shaming thrown in? That, and a bald guy
( ... )
I think the only fat character whose attitude towards their body I've supported 100% was Tracey Turnblad from Hairspray.
I sill haven't seen Hairspray but Nikki Blonksy is awesome as a feminist, fat positive rebel at fat camp in Huge. *recs like a mad thing*
The Hurley thing was mostly an answer to critical internet fans who noticed Hurley was stuck on a deserted island and oddly not losing weight"Oddly"? What the actual fuck
( ... )
Comments 14
“They’re all dead,” “Mass hallucination,” “Psychological experiment gone wrong,” and “God the Universe the Island did it”
One day, you're going to look back on this list and find it amusing. That's all I have to say about it.
LOL! I admit, half the reason I made that list was so I could be amused later. :)
But yeah, Ben/Henry (or Benry, as a lot of fandom called him for about half a season) has some serious crazy eyes going on. Michael Emerson is super great at exuding a strong "I'm completely crazy and just might stab you in the face if you say the wrong thing" vibe, while still seeming completely in control *loves Ben*
(Also, yeah, the Henry Gale was a super-intentional reference. Lots of people had theories about it at the time. But then, people had theories about everything).
PS. I love that icon. He is a pretty man.
But then, people had theories about everything
Heh, there is that. I am torn between wanting to read all the crazy theories and not wanting to be influenced as I watch.
But no. No, it actually IS the fat guy hoarding the food. *sigh* No points, Show.
Bwha! Y'know, the more you know Benry, the more this actually seems true.
Henry Gale who arrived in a hot air balloon? Is that a Wizard of Oz reference?
Unfortunately, this is one of those times when spoilers actually spoil, since I recognized Michael Emerson, so I know that dude’s Ben and I know he’s one of the Others, so this whole conflict that’s happening doesn’t have a lot of tension for me.
Aw. That's a shame because watching him play that evil, evil line of "Is he serious? Is he lying?" really worked. He's an amazing weasel. :)
OMG TREE FROG! :( :( :( :(
I know, right? I told you! I don't think I ever hated Sawyer more than when he killed a tree frog. Not cool, dude. Not cool.
And I suppose this means we can add “It’s all in Hurley’s head” to the list of explanations for ( ... )
I figured I might as well throw some theories out there, so I can brag if I get it right. If not, at least it'll be funny to look back on it when I'm done. :)
FYI, I got the season 6 DVDs and cried during all the 'making of' documentaries. I loved this show that much.
Don't know how many times I'll say "Sawyer gets better" until I'll have to resign myself to your not liking him. If Judy Blume didn't make you like him, I don't know what will. Sigh. It's a late season love affair? You can't argue with loving the late seasons, since our little corner of Buffydom is all about the late seasons, so let yourself rage about the tree frog (TREE FROG!) but be over it by season 5. Season 5 is the Season of Sawyer (and a few other characters who come along and are AWESOME.)
Soooo… “Dave” is basically “Normal Again” with a little bonus fat shaming thrown in? That, and a bald guy ( ... )
I sill haven't seen Hairspray but Nikki Blonksy is awesome as a feminist, fat positive rebel at fat camp in Huge. *recs like a mad thing*
The Hurley thing was mostly an answer to critical internet fans who noticed Hurley was stuck on a deserted island and oddly not losing weight"Oddly"? What the actual fuck ( ... )
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