Thanks to timesynthesist , I stumbled upon a fucktonne of awesome high-quality Doctor Who & actors pictures. This batch of 5 are of David Tennant because I'm a crazed fangirl he's worth it. All are in PNG, sized 200x200 because that's a nice, round number. ( eh? )
This is my LJ, and I can spam whatever I want on it. Or more specifically, Heidi had male twinnies! Warning: do not click on cut if you have a slow connection. You might like, die or something. There's about 15 pictures under there. ( ... )
I played the Sims for about 3 hours today and it was pretty amazing how it entertained me that long. Conner and Heidi hooked up, not to anyone's surprise. Heidi got knocked up, much to her surprise. I had to stop Conner from flirting with Kiwi, cheating on your pregnant lady demands castration as punishment and I still wanted to see how he breeds
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