Title: The fault is not in our stars (5/8)
eonismRating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm just here for the lulz.
Characters/Pairings: UST Kirk/McCoy (AOS)
Word Count: 2,903
Summary: James T. Kirk is going to Rura Penthe. Pike is in his corner, Spock has his reservations, and McCoy is coming with no matter what Kirk has to say on the subject.
Chapter Five )
Comments 4
Kirk needs to make it right, make Bones understand. Then they can rescue Suk but first things first! Priorities, dontcha know? :D
Still loving this!
Love the politics of Rura Penthe and am totally adoring Pike and Spock's chess game! It's so awesome that the crew was determined to offer support, something, all they could.
Great job building the tension and the storyline. Cannot wait to see Jim's "plan".
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