Title: The fault is not in our stars (4/8)
eonismRating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm just here for the lulz.
Characters/Pairings: UST Kirk/McCoy (AOS)
Word Count: 2,863
Summary: James T. Kirk is going to Rura Penthe. Pike is in his corner, Spock has his reservations, and McCoy is coming with no matter what Kirk has to say on the subject.
Chapter Four )
Comments 4
I loved how the crew is working behind Spock and Pike's backs, trying to find a way to contact Jim and Bones. I loved this line: Where Jim Kirk was concerned, reckless and stupid was always on the table, it seemed. Which is why this mission has more than a snowball's chance in hell. Love how the crew is following in the spirit.
You have done a brilliant job seamlessly combining the Rura Penthe from Star Trek VI with the boys from Star Trek AOS. I see the settings from the older movie with the newer characters playing it out as I read your story. You've captured the AOS personalities beautifully.
I will anxiously await more updates.
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