Title: And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart
eonismRating: NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm just here for the lulz.
Characters/Pairings: Jim Kirk/Leonard McCoy/Gary Mitchell (Star Trek XI)
Word Count: 3,347
Poker-Face A hard pair we will be Play the cards with spades to start Russian Roulette is not the same
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Comments 22
That said, these are inventive, brilliant characterizations. Well done!
It's brilliant. I love how messed up they all are and how frighteningly easily psycho!Gary pulled them both in. He is quite a piece of work.
Great story darlin'!
I have to say that as much as I want to punch Gary, I also really want to know what's going on in his head, what really motivated him to offer this solution to Bones? He wanted Jim. Did he think by putting them together he was going to get Jim?
Ah, the best stories leave you wanting to know more.
So twisted and wonderful!
Ultimately, in this part I didn't want to spend too much time on his reasoning. I mostly wanted to leave the boys (and hopefully the readers, haha) feeling hot, flustered, and maybe a little puzzled as to the true nature of Gary's intentions. The boys get back together, Gary fades to the background, and theyr'e left wondering *just exactly* what happened.
(Also, I don't think I'm done with Gary just yet. I have a few other ideas floating around, I'm just not quite so sure what to do with them yet...)
Oh, you achieved that, in spades!
And, no, I'm not bouncing over the idea that you're going to write more of Gary. I have no idea why I enjoy his evol, manipulative ways so much, but I do!
I also kind of hope Bones puts Jim on a very short leash after this. That boy needs some tough love. :D
How much do I love your Gary Mitchell - SO DAMN MUCH. He's been one of my favorite STfandom experiences. He's a satisfying read and I'm thrilled whenever you write him. I really love the way he complicates the dynamic between Kirk and McCoy - he bleeds a little black into that relationship. Your Gary brings something yummy, and worrisome to the table; I love watching him work.
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