Aug 29, 2009 04:00

Okay, so you probably know that I think Castle has a lot of flaws, but some things make it worth watching, and as much as I love the two lead actors, Jon Huertas & Seamus Dever have these moments when they steal the scene together as partners Esposito & Ryan. (And you know I totally slash them, right? I mean... afteriwake kinda even ships them, & she doesn't even do slash!)

Anyway, the ABC Inner Circle thing has a video up of cast members talking about their characters... of course they interview Jon & Seamus together, & you know what they talk about?! How their characters are SO MARRIED.

Seamus: My character, Kevin Ryan, has a lot of fun with Esposito, being a partner… we’re sort of like a, uh… like a marriage, of sorts. In some ways, wouldn’t you say?

Jon: *looks confused*

Seamus: No, like a different kind of marriage--

Jon: No, yeah.

Seamus: No, I mean, not like we’re married, I mean -- that’s not legal in the state of New York… yet. Yet.

Jon: Or California.

Seamus: Or California. Yet.

Seamus: But if it were, we would be sort of like that. But more of a domestic sort of situation, like, we get along really well, we work really well, we argue really well.

Jon: Would I be able to, like, claim insurance?

Seamus: You would! You would be on my insurance.

Jon: On your insurance.

Seamus: You would be my dependent, though, so I could claim you on my taxes. Is that okay?

Jon: Yeah. As long as I’m not coming out of pocket.

Seamus: No, that’s true! I’ll pay the premiums.


Seamus: *talks a lot*

Jon: *checks his watch*

Jon: Bottom line is, we’re the spices: salt & pepper.

Seamus: Tee hee!

Jon: In this dish.

Seamus: Am I salt? Am I Salt, and you’re Peppa?

Jon: That’s right.

Seamus: Are you “pepper” without an r?

Jon: Peppa.

Seamus: Peppa.

Jon: P-E-P-P-A

Seamus: peh-PUH!

[at some point in there, the interviewer tries to break in with a question, but they just keep going --
their interview doesn't so much end as gently fade into the next cast member's]

Note to self: request this for Yuletide.

castle, slash, picspam

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