Title: Dancing in the Dark
Author: Katty, aka
merry_gentryFandom: NCIS
Pairing: Femslash, Abby/Michelle Lee
Rating: PG/PG-13
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, they do not belong to me. They do conjure up rather pretty images in one's mind, though, don't they? ^_^
Author's Notes: Written as a response to
redsnake05's prompt: Abby/Michelle Lee, she had always wondered if there
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Comments 3
Thank you so much! I was really nervous about posting this, 'cause of it being my first femslash, but I'm so, so glad you like it! *bounces like a mad-crazy thing*
I didn't want to do anything with the season 6 storyline, so I'm glad it fits in where it should. You're a great enabler! ^_^
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