+ Weather and Activity +

Dec 05, 2011 12:44

Before we get to the Activity Check portion of the post, there are a couple important game notes! Please take a moment to read them.

1) It is now officially winter in Wonderland! A brief snow storm will set in tonight, December 5, and last until the morning of Wednesday, December 7. Residents should stay inside until then!

2) Once the snow storm has stopped, there will always be 10-12 inches of snow on the ground unless otherwise stated. All rooms will have sprouted a working fireplace, which will remain until spring.

3) For those of you who have been around for Wonderland's winters before, expect a few abnormalities this year! There will be more information on that later, so keep an eye out for more posts from us!

If you have any questions, comment to this post with them! And with all that out of the way, there are 18 journals behind this cut!

AC rules:
♥ If your character's journal is on the list for the first time, you have two options:
1) Post an entry or a log before the end of the activity check and comment on this post with a link.
2) Comment on this post with links to at least two threads in other journals or at least one log that you have actively been tagging during the two weeks prior to the start of the activity check (i.e. threads that start after the activity check goes up do not count). There must be at least fifteen comments by you on each thread/log.

♥ If your character's journal is on the list for the second consecutive time it will be marked with an asterisk (*). These journals will be considered for purging. You need to contact one of the mods on AIM (our screennames are on entranceway's profile page) or by PMing this account (vitaelamorte). We will investigate and, depending on the situation, you may be asked to re-app the character.

♥ Hiatuses are a maximum of eight weeks, and as a reminder there is no such thing as an indefinite hiatus in this game. That would be silly. However, if there are any exceptional circumstances that would keep someone from posting for an extended period of time, please grab any of the moderators on AIM or PM this account.

♥ If you haven't, please friend this account (vitaelamorte) with all of your character journals. Journals must be mutually friended to appear on the nudge list, which is what we use as the basis for these activity checks.

♥ If there is anyone who is on this list but should not be, whether they are on hiatus or have dropped, comment to this entry and let us know.

♥ All characters who are purged by the end of the Activity Check are welcome to re-apply to the game if they so choose, and if they re-apply within one month, they may keep their memories.

♥ The activity check will run through Monday, December 12. Journals will be purged on Tuesday, December 13. This gives you plenty of time to post and log during the event this coming weekend!

18 journals:
biebercut - posted 9 weeks ago
messiahisme - posted 9 weeks ago
furor_lunaris - posted 7 weeks ago
out_of_minutes - posted 6 weeks ago
no_homo_bro - posted 6 weeks ago hiatus
aquarium_tipper - posted 5 weeks ago hiatus
blimeyjamwalls - posted 5 weeks ago * dropped
17_miles - posted 5 weeks ago * dropped
thecassidykid - posted 5 weeks ago * dropped
youwillbe_mist - posted 5 weeks ago * hiatus
follow_the_dead - posted 5 weeks ago hiatus
getchacontracts - posted 4 weeks ago * posted
goggles4ever - posted 4 weeks ago
beyourwarmth - posted 4 weeks ago * dropping
naltorian - posted 4 weeks ago
exiled_torch - posted 4 weeks ago logging
battleaxebass - posted 4 weeks ago *
dashboardlite - posted 4 weeks ago posted
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