Jan 16, 2009 08:31

Here's the information/clarification for Beast Boy's event on the 17th-18th (fskja;kfa yes an official IC posting is coming up, hang on), lovingly copy-pasted. ;) It should be self explanatory, but among other things-- the event lasts two days in-game, for the uhhh, 'full experience'. ;D If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask any of the mods.

Episode References: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

When you awaken, you're not in the bed you went to sleep in. You're strapped to a chair specially designed to keep you in your place. It's time for class, duckies, and it's not a lesson you'll soon be forgetting… after all, you’ll be forgetting just about everything with the hypno screens in place. If you manage to escape those, you’ll be kindly escorted (aka will fall down a trap door) into one of a number of classrooms:
Science: The ceiling is the Periodic table, and there’s several large models of helixes and chemical compounds littered throughout the room. Not too bad, right? Well, you’d best be finding a way out soon. There’s some giant vials of acid, capable of burning through anything in a manner of seconds, just about to tip over. Might wanna make a break for the door soon~
English: A room lined wall to wall with books. But you best be quiet and read the book in front of you (Alice in Wonderland, for anyone wondering). Should you eyes stray or you attempt to leave, the books will literally fly from the shelves to angrily flutter around you/smack you. The only way out lies within the words of your book. (There will be a sign just above the door reading ‘What is a raven like?’ and a character must answer ‘A writing desk’ before the door will open. Just before it does, however, the word ‘Why?’ will be burned from the outside inward into the door.)
Gym : The character will awake in typical gym apparel-white t-shirt and blue shorts-and be faced with a horrendous game of dodge ball. Instead of dodging squishy balls, you’ll be dodging fucking CANNONS with Mad Mod’s beautiful brit face painted on them. In order to get to the door, you’ll first have to destroy the cannons. Have fun with that.
Computer Lab: EVERYTHING IS WINDOWS VISTA AND THE ONLY SITE YOU CAN VISIT IS A VIDEO OF SCHFIFTY FIVE. Yes. That’s really it. Oh, and if you try to escape, a literal firewall will block your path. ENJOY YOUR COMPUTER AIDS.

So you’ve managed to get out of your classroom. CONGRATS. You’ll only have more challenges to face from here. The halls of the mansion are decorated with an assortment of classic artwork (all redone to be depictions of Mad Mod), optical illusions, and endless doorways. Open some doors, be led right back to the hallway you were in. Open others and DINOSAURS. Run through optical illusions, on upside down stairs and defy the laws of physics. You may also find yourself suddenly dressed in obnoxiously vibrant 60’s clothes. For more information on the wtfery, please see the Mad Mod montage. MANSION COMES COMPLETE WITH CRAZY CATCHY JAPANESE MUSIC.

If you somehow manage to find your way outdoors, it won’t give you the view you’d see from the windows (which would be the normal mansion grounds). The sky is now the British flag, and the grounds looks a helluva lot like London. You won’t be able to get into any of the buildings, which MIGHT be a problem, considering there are robots that resemble British soldiers roaming the streets. AND BECAUSE HALF OF THE REVOLUTION EPISODE CONSISTED OF MONTY PYTHON REFERENCES: this is totally optional, but maybe some of the mansions’ residents could act as the Spanish Inquisition? Just a thought.

The event will end with a giant foot coming down from the sky and appearing to “smoosh” the mansion. When it lifts back up to the heavens, the mansion is back to normal and the sky dissipates and the grounds return to normal as well.


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