Can I have your attention Please?

Nov 24, 2010 22:22

Who: Ellis and everyone obsessed with the door, and those obsessed with those who are obsessed with the door!
Where: The Front Hall
When: Towards the end of the Door Event
Rating: PG
Summary: Ellis has been prompted by an anonymous tip that all of you people gathered by the door are losing your minds, and, in doing so, could in fact be becoming zombies. He's here to make sure that EVERYTHING IS OKAY.
the Story:

There is a young man coming down the stair-case, an early-twenties-something fellow dressed in a beige shirt and heavy blue coveralls which have been tied by the arms about his waist. What's more prominent, though, is the two rifles strapped cross-wise over his shoulders, pistols on either hip and the bandolier of clips completing some kind of crude Rambo getup. This young man bears, in one hand, a bull-horn, and in the other, a red bag with a white patch and a red cross atop it.

Some of the people gathered around the door might recognize him as the cheerful, if somewhat naive-sounding fellow who recently dropped in from a zombie-nommed America, not a more than a week ago. Ellis has, in fact, been doing his best to get acquainted with everyone, and that is why he is so concerned, now. This door thing has been bugging him for the last three days, and seeing the state that the people down here are now in, far be it for him to guess that it's doing things.

Standing on one of the steps and propping his elbow on the banister, the man gives the bull horn a blast, over the heads of most of the people who are gathered around the door. In his best no-nonsense voice (which isn't that bad, actually), he addresses everyone: "Can I have alla yer attention please!"

"I got reason t'believe that you're bein' turned in to somethin' not yerselves by that there door; something of ill intention I reckon." And he is in fact completely serious, for the moment; there isn't a hint of his usual happy-go-lucky attitude. "If y'all will step away from the door, we'd better just make sure none of you is bein' turned into zombies, cuz I seen the signs before, and y'all are gathered up pretty much just like a pack of 'em."

"And I ain't jokin', neither."


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