
Aug 15, 2010 06:44

Who: Elaine (demiurgos_girl), The Major (letztesmajor), Angel (talks_to_fish), Rei (second_first), Poland (reckless_eagle), Aang (sweetlittleguy).
Where: The Nazi Zeppelin
When: During the Major's event.
Rating: PG (Usual warnings concerning the Major apply.)
Summary: The Major has kidnapped Angel and is proceeding with his usual evil experiments. Elaine flies up to the Zeppelin to save her.
the Story: ( Ashes to ashes and dust to dust; If God won't have you, the devil must. )

poland, angel, elaine belloc, the major, aang, ayanami rei

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Comments 78

letztesmajor August 14 2010, 07:00:14 UTC
"I wondered when you would come, the girl wasn't specific with her call for help. Hello Elaine."

Over an intercom.


demiurgos_girl August 14 2010, 07:07:49 UTC
Oh, damn him. Was he even still on the airship? She sends her response via telepathy, as sharply into his head as she can. Where are you? What have you done to her?

It's difficult to get the message clearly accross to him, since she doesn't know exactly where he is, so other people onboard the airship may pick it up. She's also "listening" as hard as she can, waiting for Angel to send thoughts again, or even for the Major to feel some particularly strong emotion. Meanwhile, she makes her way carefully through the zeppelin, starting at the tail and heading toward front.


second_first August 14 2010, 07:39:14 UTC
Though her body is still recovering from the injection the Major had given her, Rei is awake and clearly hears Elaine's telepathic message. Although she isn't telepathic herself, she was able to speak telepathically with Angel before, and so she closes her eyes and tries to do the same with Elaine.

You are Elaine?


demiurgos_girl August 14 2010, 07:43:53 UTC
There's something there... like mumbling in a dark room. Elaine concentrates on it, wary of any trick the major might try to pull. The telepathic link solidifies.

It sounds like a woman. Not Angel. Elaine stops herself from sifting through Rei's thoughts, still afraid that it might be a trick. Had the Major already figured out how Angel's telepathy worked? Could he fake a signal? Suddenly Elaine realizes that she may have been pulled into a trap. One that she walked right into... Her response is firm. Yes. Who are you? With an actual link, she can keep the Major from hearing the communication, since she's no longer broadcasting it.


reckless_eagle August 15 2010, 04:15:08 UTC
Outside of the zeppelin, another pair of intruders were looking for a way in. Poland, dead set on tracking the Major down, was clinging to the back of Aang's glider as they searched for a window to make their entrance through.

"Down there!" he said, raising his voice to be heard above the wind. "Like, see it?"


sweetlittleguy August 15 2010, 04:18:06 UTC
Aang nods, sending up a quick "yeah!" that gets lost in the wind. He hurtles them at the window, a quick aircushion appearing between it and them to stop Aang from crashing straight on into it. He stops as best he can in midair.

"Hurry! I can't keep this up for much longer! ..And leave the window open, I'm coming with!"


reckless_eagle August 15 2010, 04:29:37 UTC
As luck would have it, the porthole was cracked open a little bit... Poland had already had to sheathe his sword to be able to hold on to the glider with both hands. Gripping it tighter still with one hand, he reached over with the other one and got his fingers underneath, wrenching it outward and open. It was times like these that he was glad not to be human--he wasn't sure he could have done it, with the strength that a human body his size would have given him ( ... )


sweetlittleguy August 15 2010, 04:36:52 UTC
The moment Poland was away from him, he flew away, curliquing in the air and rocketing into the porthole, glider snapping shut the second he passed through it. Rolling to a defensive position, he quickly took stock of the room - and immediately went into an eased stance the moment he'd noticed they were alone.

"That wasn't so bad!" He smiles at Poland. "Do you want to lead?"


demiurgos_girl August 16 2010, 06:52:02 UTC
"She's my frie- No-!"

The sound of the gunshot rings out in the lab. Elaine feels her peceptions slow, her reaction time increase with her anger.

She bounds forward, her wings manifesting instantly. She spreads them out, and the bullet hits the tip of her right wing. Blood stains her feathers red, but the bullet is redirected toward one of the walls.

She flies forward before he can fire again, until her hands find his shirt and she lifts him off the ground. The zeppelin lurches to one side, as all the papers in the room tumble to the ground and slide on the cold metal floor.

"Your games should have ended a long time ago, bastard!" She slams him against the bulkhead, and the gun melts in his hand. Even his clothes begin to burn. "I would have let you go! I would have!" There are already tears in her eyes. How could this man make her cry?


letztesmajor August 16 2010, 07:07:04 UTC
And then he laughs.

"Ahh, I hit something. It's the first time in my life."

The metal in his body starts sparking.

"Burning alive? I love it so..."


reckless_eagle August 16 2010, 07:18:27 UTC
Poland and Aang were already on their way over, but at the sound of the gunshot, he sped up without even thinking about it. As he opened the door, he was hit by the sheer heat coming away from Elaine and the Major, the sick smell of burning metal and flesh.

His mistrust of Elaine assuaged for the time being, he looked around and quickly caught sight of Angel. With the Major occupied by Elaine, maybe he could get to her, see if there's anything he can do for her... Without a word, sword still in hand, he made for the little girl.


1/2 demiurgos_girl August 16 2010, 07:29:45 UTC
There's the sound of grinding metal. Finally, the bulkhead behind the Major tears away from the rest of the ship, revealing the Mansion in the distance, and the sea directly below the airship. The wind whips Elaine's hair around her face, obscuring her vision and hiding her tears. But she holds fast to the Major until his insides are a melting pot of molten steel, and blood, and organs. She watches the life ebb from his eyes as his clothes catch fire, and she finally lets him go. His body falls from the airship, falling for several moments before his burning corpse hits the water, and with a splash, the Major is gone.


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