Who: Lawrence Hill (
tagged_tongue) and Seeu (
Where Lawr's room.
When: Monday night, mid-event.
Rating: TBA, nothing beyond PG-13.
Summary: Lawr has something to discuss with one-half of his boyfriends. Also, probably needs a cuddle.
the Story: (
It was a glitter freeze. )
Comments 27
Lawrence was a different type of person from Yujinn, no less sensitive and loving but different all the same. Seeu felt passion for him and cared more about what Lawr thought of him than he did Yujinn. Yet this foundling connection did not have the strength that Yujinn and Seeu had yet. Sometimes he was unsure what to think of Lawrence's reactions which is why he backed off when perhaps he should have moved forward.
He opened the door and smiled slightly at Lawrence. Perhaps later he could ask him to sit for a drawing or two.
His compulsions didn't always follow through. That step closer turned into just that, because he shied away just short of actually embracing the man. Instead he reached up to tuck some hair behind his own ear, and then reached behind Seeu to close the door behind him, smiling awkwardly.
"This event is very strange but some things are interesting." The prince looks at Lawrence then away. "Is there some reason you wished to speak to me?"
As Lawr lied, he turned to face Seeu again. The point of lying? He wasn't sure. The topic would present itself for conversation if the time was right, but he didn't want to force it. He was always too passive about things like this. It was a little maddening, but he figured it was better for him to dwell on it rather than burden Seeu.
He didn't even seem to realize that his hand had moved to Seeu's hair, pushing his fingers through the red mass. So soft...
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