i tear it apart time and time again...

Mar 16, 2010 22:50

Who: Vincent Nightray [needsnosanity and OPEN
Where All abouts the mansion
When: All day March 15th
Rating: PG
Summary: Vincent's "little alien friend" is out to terrorize Vincent wherever he goes, but it's little trick might affect the whole house...
the Story: ( ...and yet every time it gets put back together again. )

sasha samemaru, vincent nightray

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Comments 33

shhhh still supposed to be on hiatusss swimminginair March 18 2010, 03:01:19 UTC
Samemaru was chasing the alien that had taken his stuffed panda down the hall. He didn't think the creature was fast, but it was because it always turned the corner just when Samemaru had turned the last one. Trying to call it for stop, he dashed through the fourth floor hallway ( ... )


i'll never tell needsnosanity March 18 2010, 04:22:41 UTC
Vincent blinked, when he heard a familiar voice call him, and swung around rather suddenly when the voice turned into a loud cry. He saw Samemaru slip on the stairs and his eyes widened. Concerned, he hurried towards him, as he watched him sliding down the stairway a bit.

It almost slipped his notice completely, but then he saw the alien running away with the stuffed panda. As soon as he saw it, Vincent had this nagging feeling that he knew what this was about. When the alien tried to escape past him, he stole the panda from the troublesome alien's grip and gave it a harsh glare, before remembering the real issue. He hurried over, panda tightly gripped in his hands, to where Samemaru landed.

Pushing his hair out of his way, he bent over, and quickly knelt on the stairs, at Samemaru's side. Luckily, the boy hadn't fallen too far, however, he seemed to be running rather quickly when he fell.

"Are you alright?" Concerned, he doesn't even notice the horrid thing that Samemaru was holding.


swimminginair March 18 2010, 05:13:59 UTC
"I was right, it was you Vincent-san!" Samemaru sat up giving Vincent a reassuring smile. He placed the voodoo stuffed doll on his own lap. "I'm fine, I just hit my bottom hard, but no broken anythings! Probably just a huge bruise tomorrow," he answered while laughing slightly, tucking some loose hairs behind his ear.

He caught sight of his panda in Vincent's eyes and his eyes brightened up more. "You go Standard back! Thank you Vincent-san!!!"


needsnosanity March 18 2010, 16:02:08 UTC
"Standard?" Vincent smiled, looking down at the panda he had rescued. "So this is what started all this." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Here you go." Vincent handed the panda over to Samemaru. That was when he noticed the thing on his lap.

His eyes widened. "And... who, or what... is that?" Vincent hesitantly pointed to the slightly mutilated doll in his lap a bit hesitantly. Because he knew. He knew that cat. Simply, he didn't want to believe it.

That cat had been one of his victims. One of the ones he had despised the most. After all, it was for his brother, who feared cats completely and irrationally.


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