Two Americas walk into the kitchen..

Mar 03, 2010 23:27

Who: America and Meriken
Where A small tour around the mansion, leading to the kitchen.
When: Shortly after Meriken's arrival.
Rating: P for PATRIOTIC. And possible mansion exploding, as to be expected with two Americas together.
Summary: America will update Meriken on Mansion happenings. The American way.
the Story: ( America, fuck yeah! )

meriken, america

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Comments 19

hellyesamerica March 4 2010, 04:33:48 UTC
Comparable to America, Meriken is dressed casually all but her scarf, which she wears proudly around her neck, draping over her back in a cape-like manner. She reflects his grin with a smile of her own.

"Of course!"

Really, it was hard to believe that there could be another United States of America. But here he was. Still, she wished they didn't have to meet by being stuck in some freaky mansion with a bunch of terrorists and "Chains" and who knew what else.

"How long have you been here, anyway?"


idkmybfftony March 4 2010, 04:39:17 UTC
America doesn't wear scarves, since they're usually a symbol of communism Russia, but his jacket and sweatshirt and other casual sense of style are unique, of course.

The thought of another him was freaky. He was certain it's not the Civil War all over again, that she wasn't his Confederacy side creeping out again to smother him while he's sleeping and claim all his territory.

At least, he's pretty sure she's not.

"Since July, actually. Though after my birthday I showed up, thankfully. I wouldn't want to miss one of my parties!"


hellyesamerica March 4 2010, 04:46:27 UTC
"Oh, yeah! I'd be so angry!!"

She stopped at that and thought for a moment before shrugging lightly. "Though I guess you could probably just throw one here, with all of these people." More thinking, and she slid her gaze over to America. "You've been here for a long time, though.."

How could he deal with being stuck here that long? Was he really stuck? It was saddening to think her...self could get stuck like that while claiming to be a hero. Maybe he was just, distracted or something. Or weaker than her. Or, or... other people were getting in the way! Yeah, might be it.

"Have Brit-- er, England and the others been here that long as well?"


idkmybfftony March 4 2010, 04:54:27 UTC
"Yeah, I could!"

America shrugs a bit as the topic returns to that, looking away. "Not that long! Some people have been stuck here for years!" He's a hero, after all. He should not be failing in his missions.

Of course, well.. there's some things he's not sure how to explain to her. Especially since they just met, and he's not entirely sure she's real yet.

"England's been here for a while, too, but not as long as me. He left for a while and came back, though a few years had passed in his time before he returned. That actually happened to a few other nations, too. They'd come and they'd.. leave, but it's weird, as sometimes they'd come back and sometimes they didn't."


hellyesamerica March 4 2010, 05:02:02 UTC
Meriken was silent for a moment. It was a bit awkward, this whole situation. She wondered if just because he was a nation, could he understand some things that the other nations couldn't, about her? There was no way she was going to just open up to him, or anything, though. Not like there was anything she was hiding, it was just, she couldn't say everything she was thinking if this America guy wasn't who she thought he was..

What if it was all some set up? Well, looking at him and hearing him speak, she really didn't want to believe that.

"That's really.... weird." She decided on those words and left it at that, letting her eyes wander anywhere but towards him.


idkmybfftony March 4 2010, 05:11:19 UTC
"Yeah, it kinda is."

Pause. Oh god, he hates awkward pauses. He shifts a bit before he brightens up.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen! I'll show you where it is! Plus I made a video game room, too! And the library, which I technically annexed as a territory, though nothing of interest is really there, besides a bunch of boring old books.."


hellyesamerica March 4 2010, 05:16:52 UTC
"Video game room?! This place has video games?! It suddenly got less depressing!"

Moving easily with the change of topic, she grinned and moved with him. "I am really hungry.." She hesitated. "You annexed the library?" Another pause, filled only with her smiling. "Nice."

There was too much to think about right now. It was kind of a hassle. She shoved it off as being part of what you had to deal with while being a hero. Really, though, really.. there was another United States?.. Was it more "weird" or "awesome"? She wasn't sure yet. England had made him out to be some sort of idiot. ....But, England was like Briten, wasn't he?

She had no idea who to listen to. So she just walked along and decided to figure out for herself.


idkmybfftony March 4 2010, 05:34:53 UTC
"Hehehe! Yup! I found a bunch of them! Mostly music games, but there's some first person shooters, too!"

Walking down the stairssss oh god 9 flights this will take a while.

"The kitchen's cool, as you can either ask it to make you food or make food yourself! Of course I primarily make burgers down there, or in my room, but sometimes it's good to see everyone! I have a lot of friends here, so it's kind of like being at home! Except Tony's not here. Nor is Boss. But from what Germany told me, they're doing good without me there!"


hellyesamerica March 4 2010, 05:52:00 UTC

Yes, so many stairs. Well, maybe she could use this as exercise since she wasn't getting to the gym like she normally did! Had to keep that childlike body in tip-top shape!

"It can make food for you?" she realized a bit later after his sentence, scratching the side of her head. "That's pretty cool!.. It's a good place to know.. I hope I'll make friends with everyone here, too! I've already met so many people.."

She spaced out drifted off in thought.


idkmybfftony March 4 2010, 06:02:34 UTC
America runs on Dunkin and plays DDR. He's pretty good with keeping in shape. But the stairs help, too. In the sense that going up 9 flights of stairs sucks. Going down them is a bit easier, though.

"There's a lot of awesome people! All my friends from home are good, except Russia because he's a little weird.. There's Helena, who's one of England's citizens, and she's.." Um. Wait. How does he describe her? God even he doesn't know how to describe his 'sorta girlfriend'. "She lived in a circus so she's pretty cool. Gokudera's awesome but he's kinda way serious sometimes. You'll get to meet them all eventually!"


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