Title: Fools Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Characters/Pairing: Envy/Ed Rating: PG-13, to be safe, for... implied things. |D A/N: One of my spontaneous "MSN drabbles" written while talking to knighterrific.
You know...I like this. LOTS. Very short, but very deep. I love how you also imply an involved past with Envy, like he had LOTS of fun people and things. XD
afhksfshk *GLOMP* Thank you so much! Yeah... Envy's kind of a... he gets bored easily. And he doesn't enjoy it. Thus, the lots of toys~ fun people and things
Excellent piece. Really manages to display a lot in such a short amount of time, few words, and all that. And most of all it leaves you wanting more, which is always a good way to leave your audience. And you have an awesome take on Envy as well as Ed, which can be really difficult to manage so I commend you doubly on that.
Hee, if you like the icon you should see my layout. I have a thing for Envy/Winry. ♥
LMFAO, 'The icon person?' Awesome to be recognized. XD I know you from FFRants as well, you always put up the FMA ones that I find myself nodding along to every time.
Comments 8
But seriously, this is really good. :D
Really very impressed. Well done.
... wait, oh my god, it's you! The icon person! 'Scuse me while I fangirl.
LMFAO, 'The icon person?' Awesome to be recognized. XD I know you from FFRants as well, you always put up the FMA ones that I find myself nodding along to every time.
"The icon person" is about as eloquent as I can be on about two hours of sleep. :\ And hahaha, that's where people usually recognize me from. ^^
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