Engineering - Day 46 (morning) - [open to engineers/unfinished]

Jul 17, 2010 17:02

Gaila was always a bit skeptical of Federation diplomacy, and something about this mission bothered her. She wanted to believe that they would do the right thing - whatever the hell the right thing was - but she was immensely glad that Scotty was committed to finding out what was going on down there... by whatever means necessary ( Read more... )

timeline: day 46, mission: ravanna, character: keenser, character: gaila, location: engineering deck

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Comments 31

eatabean_bedone July 17 2010, 08:38:28 UTC
Although he kept such thoughts to himself, Keenser was of the opinion that 'diplomacy' was simply a fancy Federation word for 'wasting as much time as possible and spreading the misery of wasted time around to as many people as Humanly possible'. Apparently part of this 'diplomacy' nonsense involved checking out some kind of engineering facility on Maros An, which in Keenser's opinion - another one that he kept to himself - was a pure waste of time. Of course, knowing the Federation, there was some incredibly vital reason they were being sent to check things out - vital as far as those at Starfleet Command were concerned, at any rate ( ... )


miss_gaila July 17 2010, 09:17:29 UTC
Half of Gaila's mind was focused on preparing the gear, although it was all fairly standard, so she continued to mull over the mission in her head. Suddenly a thought struck her: what if Nyota's untimely "leave of absence" was related to this mission? It wouldn't surprise her. She knew perfectly well that Nyota wasn't taking time off for personal reasons. Stressed as she was by her breakup with Spock and her involvement with Jim, that would normally make her more invested in her work. She shook off the thought. Now wasn't the time to dwell on it.

She didn't realize that she had started humming even louder until she noticed that Lieutenant Keenser was right beside her. She stopped and smiled at him. "Hello, Keenser," she said. "Want to give me a hand with the gear for the away mission?"


eatabean_bedone July 17 2010, 09:25:54 UTC
Keenser gave Gaila a measuring look before turning his attention to the gear that she had put together so far. Maintenance scanners, tricorders... That reminded him, he'd want to put together a small toolbelt to take with him, just in case he ran into anything that needed immediate attention - whether they were supposed to be just looking or no. He wasn't going to let something that could easily be fixed go unfixed just because Starfleet didn't want them meddling.

"Need?" he asked, looking back up at the Orion. As pointless as going down to 'check out' the facilities seemed, he could at least pull his weight as a Starfleet officer and do his job, and if that meant playing pack mule and lugging things back and forth for a bit, at least it shouldn't take too long, and he'd be back on the ship before he even had time to miss it.


miss_gaila July 17 2010, 09:38:24 UTC
Gaila was already planning on taking equipment to carry out minor repairs, if necessary. If they could help out by actually fixing things, then they certainly should. She considered Keenser's question for a moment, unsure if he was asking if she needed help of if he was asking what they needed. His use of Standard was certainly unusual, although he wasn't necessarily any more difficult to understand than most humans she knew. Terran expressions still tended to baffle her, and even when she understood all the words she often didn't know what humans were trying to say.

"Well, I'm not sure if I actually need help," she replied. "But I could use an extra set of hands, and someone to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. As for what exactly we need, routine supplies should be sufficient. We're just checking out the place, though I suppose we may be asked to carry out minor repairs."


mostofteninred July 19 2010, 18:44:56 UTC
Rumour had it that the team Scott had collected for his part of the Ravanna diplomatic BS was comprised of not only himself, but Robert, the elusive Keenser, and the ever stunning Gaila. Robert had worked with each of them on little things before, for short periods of time, but this was the first he was really involved in something with them.

So when he spotted the Orion puttering around Engineering early one shift, he figured it was only polite to go get better acquainted.

"Hey," Robert greeted, trying to sound nonchalant as he approached Gaila. "Need a hand with anything?"


miss_gaila July 25 2010, 17:26:31 UTC
Gaila looked up as Lieutenant Leslie addressed her. She didn`t know him well, but he always seemed friendly, and was completely adorable. "Good morning," she said, smiing warmly. For a moment she wasn`t sure why he was asking, but then she recalled that he was part of the away team. "Ah, you`re part of the away team, right?" she asked. "Keenser and I already gathered the supples, but apparently we need to recalibrate the hand scanners because of the planet`s gravitational field."


mostofteninred July 25 2010, 17:55:42 UTC
"Yeah, hi." So much for smooth. When she mentioned the necessary recalibrations, Robert figured that was his chance. Not that he was trying to impress the pretty green girl or anything like that. No, not him.

"I can do that, if you want help," he offered. "Just to make it go faster."


miss_gaila July 25 2010, 18:24:13 UTC
She grinned at him, raising a slightly amused eyebrow as he offered to help while also making sure it didn`t sound as if she needed help. "That would be wonderful," she said, handing him one of the hand scanners as well as a PADD with the necessary calculations. "So, excited about the mission?" she asked.


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