We've done this meme before, but I "discover" something new each time, and I just added a few new people (hello!), so...get ready to be interrogated! XD
1. Comment on this entry saying "interview me" or likewise.
2. I will formulate five mind-boggling, confusing, philosophical, maniacal, and/or hysterical questions and pose them to you while
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Comments 17
1. What is one thing other people do (cracking knuckles, chewing gum, crunching on carrots, etc.) that annoys the hell out of you?
2. If you could live in any country (other than where you live know) for the rest of your life, what country would you pick?
3. What is the worst movie of all time?
4. Have you ever had a crush on an anime/cartoon/anything unreal character, and if so, which one(s)?
5. If you could relive any moment or day in your life, which one would you relive?
(I've done this before too, but I love doing it hahah)
Also? Get out of Michigan? That is also high on my to-do list.
1. The ongoing debate: Coke or Pepsi? Mountain Dew or Sprite?
2. What is the most moving book you've ever read?
3. If you could look into the future and find out exactly one thing about your life, what would you find out?
4. If I handed you a vanilla and chocolate swirl soft-serve ice cream cone and an energy drink (Monster, Red Bull, No Fear, whatever you like) and told you that you could only have one, which one would you take?
5. What is your position on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I'll join Spooky.
You know how crazy we Detroiters are aren't.
Oh yeah, the magic words.
1. Are you, like me, a fan of the Detroit Red Wings?
2. What song best describes you?
3. If you had the chance to restart your life all over again (from birth onward) and still have the knowledge of all the things, outcomes, and mistakes that happened in your previous attempt, would you do it?
4. Do you collect anything, and if so, what?
5. What is one conspiracy/unknown happening (JFK's assassination, Area 51, etc. ) you would like to know the answer to?
...better than basketball these days
2. Red Stars by The Birthday Massacre.
Go listen to it NAO!
3. Nonono. Its not like I'm smart enough to prevent anything bad happening.
4. Cookbooks, socks/stockings/tights and manga.
5. 911.
Everyone should want to get out of Michigan.
The weather is much better though. MUCH better.
Nietzche...I've been meaning to check out his works for a while -- perhaps I'll make time for that this summer after I finish the Hannibal series... ;)
Alright...so now I want you to analyze me. Wooooo. This should be fun.
He's fantastic, really. A bit annoying and/or cliche on occasion, but even for the mere experience, you should read his stuff.
"Analyze" meaning "interview"? Or "analyze" meaning "meme two"? Because meme two comes tomorrow. You gotta be specific with these things. ;)
1. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
2. Did you ever have a favorite stuffed animal/doll/blanket when you were a kid, and what did you name it?
3. If you had the chance to step into anyone's mind, dead or alive, and see everything that's happened to them and understand everything about them, who would you pick?
4. What is the craziest color you would ever dye your hair?
5. What is your favorite artist and/or piece of art and why?
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