[voice, broadcast to all channels]

Oct 07, 2011 00:30

This is Acting Commander Given Provisional Trust Enitan. We are about to depart from this universe and return to The Hub Universe.

In the past week we have worked hard to win the alliance of a large portion of the Kingdom of Graalmoor. In this struggle, as in any, there have been sacrifices. In the Fay'lia attack on our station and our subsequent rescue of one of the children in our care, the following brave souls paid the ultimate price.

Meteo Spiderbeam
Charles Grainer
Teodora Flensov
Navson Colbury
Ivan Karnov
Flynn McKenzie
Zohatrope Iteration2
Taki Les
Cera Cybergn
Surid Coldbull
Debon Bartholommew
Aerisa Tannin
Robert Feldspar
Franz Flyswatter
Lannah Ta'manomiko
Belladonna Ghostrage
Madeleine Petit
Vincenze Tenebroso
Boaris Piggington
Funky Grape The Third
Helen Ostlog
Uriste McMiner
Ashley Faew
Jess Snazin
Pyrie Cuervo
Micheal Obskurado
William Handigai
Suko Moemori
Mikah Frakabarka
Rogen Linkamor
Abe Bornn
Li XinLaAi
Becky Biarpiess

Let us now have a minute of drumming, singing, silence or whatever auditory commemoration you feel moved to enact for them.

[Enitan goes silent for a minute.]

May they find their ways on their journeys.

We have dropped an ansible transmitter onto Xestsemon. Anyone wishing to speak to our allies on that planet need only enter the name of it into any console's command screen.

The saucer was almost destroyed in the attack. Fortunately most of the holodeck's CPU and memory banks survived. Engineering is in need of volunteers to assist with transporting it. Please contact Zamfuter The Eldritch, Tess Lee or Mirys Hargrave if you wish to do so.

*npc: zamfuter the eldritch, mirys hargrave, *npc: enitan, tess lee

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